Chapter 2

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One hour later:

Lilly woke up to another familier face.

"Hey Zeke!" She said to her boyfriend.

"Hey Lilly, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm doing better." She said.

"Good, well I have something to tell you, and your not gonna like it." He said with a serious tone.

"What is it?" She asked concerned.

"I am moving to Texas with my dad because him and mom are getting a divorce." He said.

"Are you serious this is the worst possible time that could happen!" She said.

"I know, and I'm sorry but I have to go." He said.

"Why? Why do you have to go? You could stay with your mom." She said on the verge of tears.

"Yeahhh, but here's the thing I've always wanted to go to Texas and I didn't want to miss this opportunity." He said.

"Are you serious?! I should have known you would love yourself more than you love me, your so egoistic!"

"I am not, I care about you!" He said.

"Then why don't you stay!" She screamed.

"Because I'm not missing this opportunity!" He said.

"Get out." She said calmly.


"Get Out!" She yelled and pointed towards the door.

"Okay." He said then left.

Right after that her mother came running into the room.

"Honey, what happened?" She asked concerned.

"He is leaving to go to Texas, because his mom and dad are getting a divorce. I tried to get him to stay but he said he has always wanted to go to Texas and he wasn't missing this opportunity." She said then started crying.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie." Her mother said hugging her.

Lilly stopped crying at about 8 pm, and when she did all she could feel was, that she was a terrible person, and she was being too dramatic about this.

She decided that she would go talk to him the day that she gets to leave, from the hospital which is tomorrow.

Love Me like You Did Before Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant