Chapter 3

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It is the day of all days.


Lilly was discharged from the hospital an hour ago, and she is driving with her mom to go see Zeke. This was the last time before he leaves to go to Texas.

"Are you nervous?" Her mom asked her.

"Yeah, a little.....What if he's upset with me." She said.

"Then you will talk it out like you usually do." Isabell said.

"Okay, I hope you're right." Lilly said.

"Also, your father's funeral is tomorrow, at the old church in Oklahoma, we used to go to." Isabell said.

"Okay, did you find out anything else about the murder?" Lilly asked.

"Yes, his co-worker Aaron Star killed him because he was jealous of him." She said.

"Wow, now that's a good reason." Lilly said smiling.

"Lilly!" He mother shouted angrily.

"Sorry, mom." She said looking down.

About 10 minutes later they arrived at their destination.

As soon as her mom stopped the car she jumped out of her seat.

"Lilly, your gonna kill your self one day!" Her mother shouted.

"Sorry!" She said still running to the house.

As soon as she made it to the front door, she knocked on it.

His sister Aliza, (who just so happens to be Lillys bestie) opens the door.

"Hey gurl, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to see your brother." Lilly said.

"Oh, he already left, I'm sorry bubs!" Aliza said.

"Really?" Lilly asked sadly.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Aliza said then hugged her.

"Thanks, anyway Liz." She said then walked back to her car

As she landed in her car seat she started texting him.

After an hour she was back home and he still hadn't responded.

Then she asked Aliza why he wasn't texting back, and she said that he blocked her from all social media platforms.

From then until forever, Lilly Patterson hated Zeke Landon.

Or did she.....

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