Chapter 9

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May 27th 2014:

Graduation day!

Not for Lilly don't worry, she's not old enough yet.

The band plays at the graduation.

Rose is graduating so Lilly and Aliza obviously are gonna be bawling their eyes out the whole time.

[After the graduation because I didn't feel like writing that whole thing.]

"Rose were gonna miss you!" Lilly and Aliza cried in Rose's arms.

"You literally will see me everyday, I'm not going anywhere. Rose said laughing.

"Oh yeah, ha." They both said.

June 1st 2014:

It is Sunday so that means church day.

As soon as Lilly stepped in the door she knew things were gonna be different today.

Right as she walked through the double doors she saw a new family sitting on the second bench from the back.

Then she saw him.

A boy who she thought was her age, and he was very cute.

As soon as she sat down he looked to see who was behind him.

When he saw her he smiled, and turned back around.

Soon the service started, and the preacher introduced the family, "Let's give a warm welcome to the Ellers family." Then everyone waved at them, Lilly could tell the boy was embarrassed.

She was determined to talk to him, so after the service she got out from her bench and went outside.

As soon as he got outside, she went up to him, but she was behind him so he didn't see her.

And that's when she decided, she introduce herself another time, then she turned and left.

AN- I am literally basing her off of me when it comes to being social.

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