~ Chapter Nine: A Start To Something New ~

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A/N: Hey!, I'm really sorry for not posting for a little bit, truth is work has really been draining me these past few days and even when I want to write I never do because I sleep because I'm exhausted :( I don't think I will be posting regularly for a little bit but I will post when I force myself to write! but that means you could be waiting a week or two for a update :/ 


After Kev had erased the little trace of that malicious code that I have no doubt, was Afton's doing I was ordered to rest in my room as a 'precaution' until tomorrow morning when Kev would once again check if there would be no more side effects which I totally understood, after all I did sense a threat and my security protocol can make me, less friendly....

So I took my service elevator from parts and service up into my room and slept in my bed, I'll see my friends when we close and with that I fell asleep.

~ Monty's POV~

I was hanging out in my golf course on the catwalks above my attraction, when a message had appeared across my vision, it was from Chica,

"Hey Monty, N/N has suffered a malfunction! >.<' I started to worry as I recall that Freddy had told me about what had happened to Y/N with this Afton person, even though I had not heard of this Afton person I couldn't help but feel as though he had something to do with her malfunction.

'Cheeks is she ok?' I replied and almost immediately a message had flashed on my screen again

'Kev says she's ok!, but she's powered down into her room for a safety precaution x' I didn't realise I had held my breath until I instantly let out a sigh of relief after knowing she was ok.

After I had chatted to Chica about Y/N and her condition, I felt my thoughts wander back to the situation that had happened earlier on in the morning in the shower room. I had made my way down to the showers when I heard the faint sound of someone humming a tune, I was drawn to the melody, I did not recognize it but it sounded like a lullaby a hauntingly beautiful lullaby, it was the type of lullaby that sounded so calm and comforting and at the same time it sounded somewhat ethereal when she sang the lyrics, I knew this was Y/N after all, Roxy can sing and Chica could not..., we had lawsuits on top of lawsuits when Fazbear Entertainment carried a trial for Chica to sing back up when we first opened. I opened the door and made my way closer to the showers and I just stood there for a little while, listening to her song until she stopped and before I could ask why she had stopped singing, she walked out of the shower in her birthday suit, my jaw dropped open, and my servers were heating up quickly, she had such a beautiful figure, I felt something...an URGE to get...closer to her, I didn't know what I was feeling but even if I could not put a word to it I could FEEL it, it was a primal instinct, an animalistic instinct that I don't think they intended to incorporate it when building us, I wanted to indulge myself in this new found instinct but I held back, I did not want to do anything that would hurt Y/N....MY Y/N... Just the thought of that encounter brings that primal instinct back, I growl as I ponder on this new feeling.

And yet, the both of us have not become closer even after we confessed we felt the same way, I can't help but feel like Y/N is holding out on me when it comes to getting to know eachother better, why has she not told me anything, but oh so easily told Chica and Roxy about herself and even that bear, do I intimidate her? Or maybe she just doesn't want to tell me but yet wants to be with me? I growl in annoyance ' I want to break something' I think to myself and even though the urge to destroy was strong, I managed to gather myself, she really does have an effect on me,no matter what she does I can never be mad at her and just the same, when I want to destroy thing, the thought of her seems to bring me back.

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