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The sun had started to set and the sounds of the bustling street that had once filled the atmosphere that early morning faded into the background. Night fell upon the small city and if one looked closely at a rooftop, there was a distant figure that almost blended into the darkness of that cold night.

"how pretty.." the figure uttered, sitting on the ledge of the building the harsh cold had caressed them along with the wind that seemed to play with their h/c strands of hair. For the first time in what seemed like forever those uncaring e/c eyes had sparkled with a hint of interest for once. It was sickening having to be alive from this perspective when thinking back on the life they led before this moment, a rush of bile was sure to come out.




Just the image of falling down from this height was enough to leave rivers of adrenaline rushing throughout their veins. Why did they feel excited? They were about to commit suicide.

Certainly, there was no means to be this pumped, surely? They seemed no older than 20, so why was there a need to throw their life away? would they finally end up in the pits of hell as did the ones that came before in the same situation? No time to dwell on such thoughts. It was time.

The young individual gently stood up; eyes still not wavering from the view before them. A sickening sweet smile spread across that once gloomy face, and eyes that practically resembled newly polished Moissanite were the only features that stuck out. Spreading out their arms as if they were going for a hug, the figure leaned forward— as if they were embracing the stars, the last view that was presented was the moon and city lights shining down upon their body before closing their eyes for the very last time.

"finally..." you whispered, "i'm free."

That same night, a night where the moon and stars shined oh so brightly in greeting, a small baby was born.

'What the fuck?' you knew you were going to hell, at least that was the plan. Had the gods not heard your desperate cry and pleading to leave this wretched world? Then why in hell— no, just how in hell were you granted to open your eyes again?

Maybe this is some sick joke. Y'know when they say your life flashes before your eyes crap and then you go onto dreamland forever? Perhaps this was..was..- ah yes! it could've been that this is some little dream you had of a better life. You sighed in your mind in pure bliss, the gods really did hear you! yawning before stretching out your limbs you started to snooze off, 'whatever clouds they put me on, damn..this is comfy. I could get used to this...'

"she's beautiful.." the woman above you sniffled. Wait a fucking minute..woman? what woman, weren't you dead.. ??

"Ryu! Come look at her, she has your eyes!" hah? There's no way...

A pair of strong and rough hands picked you up with ease from the woman's embrace holding you up to eye level. Tears overwhelmed him and he started breaking down and hiccupping. "sh-" sniffle "SHES WONDERFUL DEAR!!" he bawled.

Handing you back over to your self-claimed "mother" she watched her husband cry his heart out at the sight of his new daughter. Your mother in response could only shed a few tears with the biggest smile ever.

Deadpanning at the couple you only had one thought, "Where the hell am I?"

𝗜𝗠𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗬 .𝗠Where stories live. Discover now