Directions, Please?

306 28 2

WELP. There you go. I hope there wasn't any msitakes I missed. I've been missing out on sleep because of family visiting so I'm a little tired. I'll probably look through this in a year and find a mistake. :|


"Where the hell have you been?!" I gaped as Misa shot up and grabbed my face with both hands. "I've been calling for you since forever! You never answered me! You missed it too, we had a haaaunting." 

I frowned, "Like a ghost?"

She nodded furiously and grinned. "But you didn't get to see it~!"

I cursed and glared at the ground in resentment. The one time we're haunted and I don't even get to see it.

"Well....Actually, it might've been the whole black hole thing that was causing it, but it was close." I gave her an Are-You-Kidding-Me look which she shrugged to. Damnit, I will soon experience my first haunting if it is the last thing I do!

A loud sigh came from next to us. Who was that? 

I looked at the direction it came from. Oh shee-it. I totally forgot about this guy.

"Now there's two of you. Look, I got to get to school." He rubbed his eyes tiredly. School? It's summer break (AN:They go to a Japanese school so before second term they have summer break and they get right back into learning)! I don't know what this guy was on, but it was some pretty strange drugs.

I nudged Misa with my elbow. She turned to me with an eyebrow raised and I circled my finger around my ear. She understood the meaning and snorted in amusement.

When I looked up, the guy was already down the sidewalk and turning the corner. Hm, I guess we'll never see him again.

"Welp. he's gone." She shrugged and gathered her things off the ground.

"So..where are we...?" 

"I have no clue. The guy said that we're close to Ota though."

Misa nodded and leaned her neck back and stared at the sky. She squinted at the brightness and I followed her gaze. No sign of the strange portal thing..

"So did we..?"

I nodded, "Yup."

"In the..-?"



We stood there in a slight awkward silence and glanced down from the sky to look at each other. She smiled which caused me to chuckle. In the end we were both laughing loudly. I was bending over, supporting myself on my knees. Misa was clutching her stomach while gasping for air.

Eventually our laughter dissipated and we settled in a comfortable silence.

"We're fucked."

I wiped a stray tear and gave a wistful sigh. "Yeah..."


"Kill me!!"


Misa looked up at my outburst, trying to figure out what's making me so angry.

"Google is being a piece of shee-it! The address isn't going through!" I resisted the urge to scream and just growled lowly. I glared at my phone, Google Maps opened up, the screen staring back at me, taunting me.

"I mean, we're in Japan but every time I look up our address, it doesn't exist. It's so frustrating!" I grimaced and strained my fingers as if I was about to choke something.

Proud To Go To A Pink High School!(OC/Ouran/ohshc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن