Raunchy Maidens and Priests

175 11 4

How long has it been? Months? Lol, my bad.

They gon' get some food.

I drew a photo of Yoshi and added it to this chapter but it came out blurry...? Oh well. If you want to see it with better quality, go to my deviantart page, Anvelite.


"You know, this ain't so bad."

"Ain't isn't a word."

Misa glanced to the side, irritated. "It's in the dictionary."

I smiled thinly, "They'll put anything in the dictionary, I'm sure swag will be in there soon."

I always did have a distaste for slang. It made me an awkward texter. I was a stickler for grammar and correct punctuation while texting so I never had the need to use shortening words. It threw me for a loop when people used acronyms that I wasn't familiar with. The only ones I can recognize were the laughing ones such as 'lol'.

I tend to use 'lol' in a condescending way, but I don't think anybody understood my sarcasm with it.

I remember one time when I chastised some guy on a dating site for using an incorrect word and then he starting going on about me being horrible in bed and ugly, even though he was praising me for being beautiful a minute ago.

He was attractive though, shame his personality was shit.

"You know-..." A second after opening her mouth, Misa was interrupted by a shrill ding of a bell. "Fuck! That was loud."

I grinned, "And unexpected."

We stopped walking as the doors started opening, students piling into the halls.

Studying my schedule once more, I grinned, "Time for lunch."

The students started walking toward us, a few chose to move slowly in groups, occasionally stopping to chat about something.

We made a few heads turn, probably a few people not recognizing us.

I glanced at Misa.

And probably at her purple hair.

I flushed a bit, reached up to play with a strand of my own hair.

And my red hair.

"Guess we just follow the bodies." Misa grinned, letting her hands rest on her waist, giving me a wink.

I chuckled, "Let the bodies hit the floor."

Misa's grin faltered and she gave me a very adamant stare, "No. No puns."

And then she cringed, "It wasn't even a good one."

I smiled, "Had to try."

I grabbed her hand, pulling us around to pile in with the rest of the students, "Let's get some grub! Time to follow everybody."

Misa yanked her hand out of my own and turned up her nose, "That was unnecessary, Yoshi."

"Totally necessary."

Misa may hate my puns, but when she came up with a good one, she made sure to say it.

She was particularly good at plant puns. Reminds me when we were at a market, checking out all the plants and she started firing away as I groaned about the corniness of them and highly impressed by her plant vocabulary.

"Y'know..." I glanced at Misa, who was staring off into the distance, eyes flickering at all the students.

"Maybe we can become hosts." She turned to look at me and paused at my look.

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