Chapter 2

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The rain didn't stop as the Hogwarts Express chugged along the track. Ominis could somewhat identify where they were in their journey by listening for different sounds coming from the tracks. If they clattered over a loose plank, then seven seconds later tree branches scraped over the windows, followed after half a minute by the slight muting that indicated they'd gone into a tunnel, he knew they were only an hour or so away from Hogsmeade.

Ominis had spent the last two hours navigating a wary conversation with Silvermaria, keeping to neutral topics like Quidditch ("Do you play?" "No, do you?" "I don't think there's much scope for someone who's only talent on a broom is to fly into the nearest wall."), their preferred foods ("I don't care much for fancy fare." "I'm not overly fond of sweets." "Really? Are you mad?" "Yes, but that's beside the point."), and their favourite classes at Hogwarts ("I'm quite fond of Defence Against the Dark Arts." "I prefer Charms, myself.").

By the time the train began to slow, Ominis realised he'd learned very little about the woman sharing his compartment. And it seemed he'd revealed just as much to her about himself. He laced his fingers together, wondering if he could ask her something about herself that wouldn't get his head bitten off, when she cleared her throat delicately.

"I suppose we ought to get ready," she said. "Uniforms, you know?"

"Of course," Ominis said. "I can wait outside, if you prefer?"

Not that he could see her of course, but it was polite to offer.

He heard her shift slightly. "I'd appreciate that. Thank you."

Ominis rose, fighting the urge to stretch like a cat, and slipped out into the corridor, where he began to pace up and down, thinking. Silver was, to his surprise, actually quite pleasant. Her voice was nice to listen to, and she matched his wit quite well, seemingly letting him guide their conversation whilst simultaneously pulling it away from anything that might get personal.

She was bright, he had to give her that. Easy to talk to. But aside from that, she seemed perfectly ordinary. Nothing like the fuss people made about her on a daily basis.

The door slid open behind him, and he heard her approach.

"Your turn," she said. "Promise I won't peek."

He glanced in the direction of her voice, raising a brow. "I should hope not."

He re-entered the compartment, and just to be sure, hung his cloak over the windowed portion of the door. He heard her snicker through the wood, and for the third time that evening, he almost smiled. Her laugh was quite pleasing, really.

Shaking his head, he fumbled for his suitcase, extracting his uniform and robes, shrugging out of his waistcoat and shirt before donning the Slytherin-emblazoned shirt, waistcoat and blazer, pulling the robes over his shoulders and stuffing his clothes in the suitcase. Usually he'd fold them, but he couldn't find it in himself to do so. He tugged his cloak off the door and opened it a crack.

"Silver? I'm finished."

"Grand," she said, stepping back into the compartment, brushing by him. He caught the trail of pine needles and citrus, and he blinked. A pleasant scent, as well. He wondered what perfume she wore and debated asking her for a moment, before he decided it was probably too personal and she'd snap at him. They lapsed into silence as the Hogwarts Express continued to slow, eventually coming to a stop with a light screeching of brakes. All at once, the train became alive with movement, and Ominis fell into step beside Silver as they made their way down the train, heading for the doors.

"Don't you fucking dare," she snarled suddenly, the venom in her voice making him jump.

"Silver? I-I apologise if I-"

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