Chapter 16

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Much to Ominis' relief, Sebastian woke the next day as bright and cheerful as he usually was, their argument seemingly forgotten. They teased each other affably all the way to breakfast, listening to the chatter around them, all students of third year and above excited about the Halloween Ball, which was to occur that night.

Luckily for Ominis, the jealous seething of his peers had dimmed in light of the spate of attacks on those that dared to threaten him, though he still heard the occasional hissed grumble and hope that Silver would come to her senses. He fought a smile. If only they knew. He kept an ear out for any suspicious activity, just in case.

"So, where are you meeting her?" Sebastian asked a little later, as they headed for the library.

"I presume outside the Great Hall," Ominis said. "Isn't that where one would usually wait?"

"Yeah, but do you know what time?"

"Before it starts? I plan to be there at the same time as everyone else, why on earth does it matter?"

"Two things," Sebastian led him through the shelves, pulling down books at random. "One, me and every other bloke are going to lose their goddamned minds if she comes down looking any prettier than she usually does, and I don't want to offend you, or her. Two, if I'm there when she comes down, and Claire sees that, she's going to absolutely flip."

Ominis made a face. "I see your point. I would feel somewhat better if you were with me, but I understand if you can't be. I don't want to cause you any grief because your girlfriend has jealously issues."

Sebastian whacked him on the head with a book.

"Don't be a dick," he said. "She's not the only one."

Ominis smoothed his hair back, glowering.

"I fail to see how her inability to regulate her emotions is my problem," he hissed. "I've not forgotten what she said about Silver, even when she's nowhere near us. You are with Claire, and I am with Silver. If anything, I should be the one concerned with all the attention she gets!"

"Wait, hang on, you're actually with her now?" Sebastian said, and Ominis swore. "When did that happen?"

"Forget I said that," Ominis muttered, sweeping the library with his wand, searching for eavesdroppers. "It's most likely I've got the wrong idea, or something. Ignore me."

"Like hell! Have you kissed her yet?"

"Sebastian, that's enough. I'm not talking about this anymore."

"You have, haven't you! I knew it, your ears have gone red! What was it like?"

"Sebastian, I'm warning you..."

"You lucky bastard! Tell me everything!"

"Fuck off," Ominis snapped, and stormed away, leaving Sebastian to laugh delightedly before he raced to catch him up.

"Okay, okay, I'll drop it, but I'll get it out of you eventually," Sebastian chuckled as they found a table and drew out their essays. "You know I will."

"You'll find my foot up your arse if you don't shut up," Ominis muttered, trying not to grin at his best friend's enthusiasm. He had to admit, it was rather pleasant to have someone on his side when the rest of the school would rather see him hang for the simple crime of falling in love.

He blinked. In... love? Was that what this was? He was enamoured by Silver, yes, he'd even go so far as to say smitten. She was on his mind day and night, his stomach swooping like he'd missed a step on the Grand Staircase, his heart turning somersaults every time he thought of that magical moment where she'd silenced him with the first true kiss he'd ever had.

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