Chapter 5

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Ominis wasn't quite sure how it happened, but somehow, he spent the entire day with Silver. When the Three Broomsticks grew too rowdy (and Silver had to fend off at least one unwanted advance every five minutes or so), they elected to leave, taking a meandering path through Hogsmeade, heading vaguely north. They crested a steep hill just outside the village, and Silver paused.

"You know, I've always wanted to climb that mountain over there," she said.

"What mountain over where?" Ominis asked, somewhat dubiously.

"Oh, um... a little to the left...  yeah, over there. It's not really a mountain, just a big hill. I want to see how everything looks from up there."

"Don't let me stop you," Ominis said, following as she chuckled and led them on. He wasn't particularly keen on the idea of clambering up a giant hill and getting all hot and bothered, just for a view he couldn't appreciate. But he did want to spend more time with Silver. She was a delightful companion, he was finding, and he was keen to expand his tiny circle of friends. Sebastian wouldn't be there for him forever. Knowing him, he'd get married to Claire soon after their time at Hogwarts ended, and it's not like he could live with them. Three was a crowd, after all, as Claire had often commented during their sixth year. And as for Anne... well.

Ominis was pessimistic by nature, but even without that, he knew Anne's time was limited. If a cure wasn't found, he imagined she might live to see her brother get married, and maybe even hold her first niece or nephew, if she was very lucky and Sebastian got on with it and made an honest woman out of Claire.

He slowed down as he heard Silver begin to scramble over something rocky.

"That sounds steep," he called to her.

"It is a bit," she said. "But it's fine, mostly grass, and plenty of handholds!"

"I can wait for you here," he said. "I'd rather not make a mess of my clothes."

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport!" she laughed. "Come with me."

There was a subtle air of command to her tone, and it set his heart to stirring. It set something to stirring, at any rate, and Ominis darted forward, finding the ledge she'd climbed over by touch, preferring not to dwell on this strange new sensation.

It was difficult. He couldn't hold his wand as he clambered up the steep slope, and unable to judge where he was putting his hands, he slipped more than once, hissing curses in Parseltongue, grateful Silver couldn't understand what he was saying. He preferred not to swear at the best of times, but as his temper frayed, infuriated by the difficulty of something so simple, he found it increasingly tricky not to spit out a fully-fledged FUCK.

Silver called down encouragement to him, never climbing more than a foot or so away, telling him where the best handholds were. He wanted to snap at her, to tell her if she wanted him to climb this ruddy thing, then she could damn well let him do it by himself. He didn't need any help, he wasn't a bloody invalid!

And then he was on level ground at last. Panting, he crawled forward and flopped to the grass, rolling onto his back, furious at the stains that no doubt covered his palms and knees.

"There's a good spot over here," Silver's voice came to him, and he groaned softly. He really didn't want to move, but he rolled to his feet, shook out the ache that would no doubt bite him fully the following day, and slouched over to her, glad to be using his wand again.

They settled side by side on the grass, and Ominis crossed his legs, waiting patiently for her to look at the things he couldn't. She let out a low whistle.

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