Chapter 20

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Ominis turned his head to Silver, his brows contracting as he struggled to process what she'd just said.

"You... could cure me?" Anne said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Only if I'm right about what it is," Silver replied.

"I'm sorry," Sebastian said, hurrying around the table to her, his hands fumbling for hers, and she stiffened, pulling back, pressing against Ominis, who braced a hand between her shoulder blades, his hand tightening on his wand. "Seriously, I didn't mean to be rude to you. Please, help my sister, I'll do anything you want."

"That won't be necessary," Ominis said, his tone cool, his hand sliding to Silver's shoulder. The prickling over his skin was soothed somewhat as her hand rested on his.

"Anne, tell me everything," Silver said. "Everything you possibly can about this curse, because I need to be certain that it is what I think it is. You two." She squeezed his fingers briefly. "Outside. We'll call you when we're ready."

"I don't want-" Sebastian began, but Ominis took his arm and practically dragged him away.

"There might be elements to this curse Anne doesn't feel comfortable talking about in front of men," Ominis said, as Sebastian set up a fierce protest. "Her twin you may be, but there's certain things only women will discuss."

"Oh, you're an expert, are you?" Sebastian snapped, trying to wrench away as they stepped outside. "Since when? You used to fumble your words if a girl even breathed in the same room as you!"

"Shut up," Ominis said, letting him go at last and standing in front of him, folding his arms. "Your behaviour was disgraceful, Sebastian."

"What?" he drew himself up. "Like hell! I've not been ogling your girlfriend mate, calm down."

"Silver's not-" Ominis broke off. Was she? He shook himself. "That isn't what I meant. You were extremely rude to her, accusing her of being friends with Rookwood of all things! It's the sort of behaviour I'd expect of-" he broke off again before he said Claire's name, aware that it would likely result in a black eye for him if he did.

"Can you blame me? She just pops up and admits she used to have dinner with him!" Sebastian snapped, seemingly oblivious.

"Her family," Ominis corrected, and moved closer, until he could feel the tail end of Sebastian's breath on his cheek, and he fixed his eyes on where he knew Sebastian's would be. "If you ever speak to Silver in such a manner again I will show you first hand why the Gaunts are feared."

Sebastian chuckled. "Right, right, I get it, I'll be nice."

Ominis' hand shot out and snared his arm in a vicelike grip, and Sebastian yelped.

"I mean it," he growled. "Don't you dare speak to her like that again."

"The fuck's gotten into you?" Sebastian yanked away. "Fucking hell, Ominis! You've only known her a few months and you're acting like she's your wife!"

His cheeks flooded with heat, and Ominis turned away. "You know how I feel about manners, Sebastian."

Sebastian chuckled again. "You're blushing, mate."

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are. Someone's in love."

"Fuck off," Ominis snapped, stalking a few paces away, trying to stamp on the fluttering in his stomach as he thought of her arms around him, her lips against his, the feeling of her form sliding over his aching-

"Look, I'm sorry I overreacted," Sebastian said, as Ominis drew a sharp breath. "I said sorry to her, alright? It's just..." he sighed. "If she really can help... Claire's been promising for years, and there's been nothing. St Mungo's don't know where else to turn, and the cursebreakers..." he swore under his breath. "It's been nothing but dead ends, and I know Anne won't be able to survive this for much longer. If Sil really can help..."

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