Chapter 12

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Ominis tried his very best to hide himself away over the next few days, in equal parts ashamed of his behaviour and furious with himself for revealing so much of himself, as well as his confusing and rapidly growing feelings.

He fought with himself every hour he was alone, berating himself for his pathetic crush, trying to force himself to remember that Silver was too good for him, she couldn't truly be interested in him, and likely only tolerated his company because he wasn't slavering over her like everyone else did. It seems he was set to disappoint her in this regard as well, for he simply couldn't get her off his mind.

It didn't help that, despite his best efforts to hide, she somehow managed to find him, each and every time, no matter where he went. If nothing else convinced him that he had fallen for her, his delight at being found as opposed to fury at his space being invaded solidified it. He was smitten, and there was nothing he could do about it but anxiously await the moment when the dangled promise of happiness would be wrenched away, leaving him colder and more miserable than before.

He did his best to hide it, speaking cordially with Silver whenever she popped up, usually sharing only about five minutes of conversation with him, asking him swift, pointed questions like what his favourite foods were and what kinds of fabrics he liked best. He indulged her curiosity, longing to know more about her, but no sooner had she got her answer, she was off again, her light footsteps vanishing from his hearing long before he felt her presence fade.

He mentioned none of this to Sebastian. He knew all too well how much his best friend would relish the opportunity to tease him and strut about, endlessly proud of the fact he'd been right, and Ominis saw Silver as something much more than the friend he proclaimed was all he wanted.

Besides, Sebastian seemed to be having enough relationship troubles of his own to worry about Ominis'.

Ominis overheard him and Claire muttering together under the stairs leading up to the Room of Requirement. Curiosity overcame his manners when he realised it was his best friend, and he sidled a little closer.

"Claire, it's important," Sebastian said, his tone pleading. "We can't keep doing this, it's not fair on-"

"Not fair on who?" Claire snapped back. "You? What about me? How do you think this makes me look?"

"I just want to fix this," Sebastian said. "We can't keep arguing over every little thing, if we just sat down and talked, then..."

He stopped as Claire began to sniffle, her snuffling swiftly becoming loud, ugly sobs.

"Why don't you care about me?" she wailed, and Sebastian scrambled.

"What? No, Claire, I do care, you know I do! I just don't want us to fight all the time, and I..."

"You don't love me," she bawled between gasping sobs, her voice carrying, and Ominis winced, slipping behind a tapestry and out of sight.

"Of course I do! Claire, please stop crying, it's okay, we don't have to talk about it today, I'm sorry," Sebastian whispered in a rush.

Claire stopped wailing immediately. She gave another great sniff that sounded somewhat exaggerated to Ominis, then her voice sounded again.

"I wish you wouldn't be so horrible to me," she said. "I just want to be happy, Sebastian, and you manipulating me like that isn't fair. I need to be alone for a while."

"I'm sorry," Sebastian said meekly. "I didn't want to upset you."

With another exaggerated sniff, Claire stalked away, her footsteps receding up the steps towards the Room of Requirement. Sebastian remained where he was a moment, and Ominis took a breath, certain that Sebastian would be most upset that he'd been eavesdropping on their spat. Ominis waited until Sebastian moved away, heading downstairs, no doubt to hide away in the Undercroft for a few hours. Ominis could go to him in a little while, he'd be more likely to be open with him once he'd processed it for a bit...

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