Chapter 10

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To Ominis' great disappointment and significant alarm, he didn't find Silver the next day, or the morning after that. Concerned, he prowled through the castle, trying to listen for any hint of her, avoiding everyone else as best he could. No matter how much he tried to tell himself he only wanted to find her to apologise for snapping at her, knowing now that his mind was somewhat back together that her concern for him had been genuine, the truth was that he was desperate to know that he hadn't ruined everything between them, that he could still call himself her friend.

He still felt terrible shame, but it was less for his panic attack and more for the way he'd acted towards her. Merlin only knew he'd been far more nosy and invasive in his fifth year, when Sebastian had danced his desperate path along a Dark road to save Anne. He'd stalked, spied on and interrupted numerous illicit meetings in increasingly horrible places, just because he was worried.

And Silvermaria had been worried about him.

It was a strange thing, to know someone other than his friends cared enough about him to worry. But he didn't want her to worry. He didn't want her to think he was fragile, broken, disturbed. He wanted her to think he was brave, clever, tough and witty, like all the popular boys of his year were. Sebastian was astoundingly brave and determined, and if he hadn't been with Claire, he could have had his pick of any of the girls that fawned after his charm and charisma. Garreth Weasley too, foolish though he could be, was bright and cheerful, as free with his jokes as he was with his affection. Even Amit had a quiet kind of charm.

How he wished he could be like them, life coming so easily to them as they breezed through. Yes, Sebastian had endured his fair share of trials, but he'd come out on the other side of it. He had the allure that came with confidence, and if the whispers of others that he overheard were anything to go by, he was a handsome man too. As was Garreth. And Amit. He had no such graces. His family had told him, over and over, how profoundly ugly he was, and had delighted in pointing out all his flaws. He had no good looks, no charisma, no charm. Nothing to entice the entrancing woman he had insulted. Nothing to fall back on.

All the same, he searched for her, though something within him told him she wasn't even in the castle. This was confirmed as he visited Hogsmeade with Sebastian and Claire that afternoon, the latter regaling them all gleefully with what she'd seen two nights prior.

"She was dressed in a cloak, her hood up, keeping to the walls and ducking behind bushes," Claire said, with relish. "I thought she was up to something, so I followed her."

"And?" Sebastian said, paying very close attention.

Claire made an irritated noise. "I lost her just outside of Lower Hogsfield," she muttered. "But no matter, I'm certain she was up to no good. Why else would she have been creeping around at night?"

"Why were you?" Ominis asked, pleasantly.

Claire rounded on him, her shoes scraping over the stony path. "In case you've forgotten, I have Ancient Magic!" she snapped. "People need my help!"

"In the middle of the night?" Ominis asked.

"Yes! What's so strange about that?" Claire said, furiously.

"Nothing at all," Ominis said, raising his hands placatingly. "I'm simply suggesting that perhaps Silver was assisting someone as well."

"And she's been gone two days," Claire spat. "Clearly she's doing something nefarious, she must be. Her family were all Dark Wizards, after all."

"You used to vanish for days at a time," Sebastian pointed out, carefully. "Maybe..."

Claire gave a snarl of outrage and stormed off up the path, leaving Sebastian and Ominis to hurry after her, the former cursing under his breath.

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