Trip down memory lane

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(18th of september 1892)


Seventh year was well on it's way. The first effects off the upcoming autumn was showing around the Hogwarts ground.

The scent of leaves and rain lingered in the air, some of the leaves on the trees had already changing colours and every now then the crisp sound of a dried up leave underneath my feet was heard as I made a small round near the castle.

I had woken up early this morning and decided to take a walk to clear my head.

The feeling that this was my last year at Hogwarts was weighing heavy on my heart. I was going to miss the changing seasons in this environment, I was going to miss the library and my commonroom, but most of all I was going to miss all of my friends.

I inhaled deeply and sat down on a rock near the south entrance.

I chuckled at my ridiculousness. This day should be a happy day, instead I was sulking around in the early hours around sunrise.

Suddenly a familiar sound popped my bubble of thoughts. Sebastian's owl made a dive towards me before it gently landed on my shoulder.

"Hey there Dorian, you've got something for me?" I asked the owl as I patted it's head and accepted the envelope from it's beak.

"I am wondering if he remembered." I chuckled as I opened the envelope.

Dear Y/N,

Come and meet me where it all started.

Lots of love,


I smiled, my gloomy mood from ealrier already forgotten.

So he did remember, huh. I quickly scrabbled up a response and send Dorian back to Sebastian before I hurried to my dorm.

Only thirty minutes later I was on my way to the Hospital wing. My hair brushed and put into a high ponytail and my clothes a bit festive for the occasion.

The Hospital wing wasn't really the most romantic place in the school, but it was the place where Sebastian had confessed his feelings for me one year ago. Or technically one year and one day, since we started dating the day after that.

I walked into the empty Hospital wing. It was completely abandoned. I raised my brows as my small heels echoed through the empty space.

Was I too early?

"Miss Y/L/N I thought you would show up here. The weirdest thing happened this morning. I was about to do my round filling up the cabinets with a new stock of Wiggenwelds when I found Mr. Sallow waiting by the doorway. He said that he agreed upon meeting you here." Nurse Blainey said as she shook her head.

"I then said that it was an unusual place to meet up, but before he could respond he got an owl and took off, letting this fall from his cloak." Nurse Blainey said as she showed me a marigold.

"Here I think it's meant for you."

"Did he say anything about where he went off to?"

"No, just something about gobstones and a cabinet."

"I see. Thank you Nurse Blainey, I know where to search for him."

"Uhm, you're welcome?" Nurse Blainey answered before turning around and shaking her head.

"Kids these days."


I walked into the Undercroft. Pretty sure Sebastian was here. Gobstones and a cabinet? The clues were very clear.

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