Safe haven*

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*chapter contains explicit mature content

Sebastian's POV

We were nearing the end of the schoolyear. Examination was coming up and within a month we were expected to say goodbye to Hogwarts.

Although lots of people were excited for their carreer and future after Hogwarts, there were a select few that were having a hard time letting go.

Y/N was one of them. Although she really tried to enjoy every single day, I could tell that she was struggling with keeping up the facade. If only there was someway to make her feel better, to cheer her up.

I was contemplating all of this in a quiet corner of the library. My brain not processing the information written in the book that I was holding.

"Sebastian? Are you here?" Anne's voice whispered as she walked around the corner.

"Hi, Anne. What's going on?" I replied in a hushed tone.

"Y/N was searching for you, she said that she wanted to meet you in the viaduct courtyard."

"Oh, did she say what's going on?"

"No, unfortunately not. But she was in a verry happy mood. I haven't seen her so cheerful in at least a week." Anne said smiling.

"Very well then." I said as I quicky tried to pack up my things.

"Leave them." Anne insisted. "I will pack those things back up and get it to our commonroom. You go to Y/N."

"Thank you Anne, you're the best."

"I know."

I rolled my eyes before I fast walked towards the nearest floo flame and transported myself to the viaduct courtyard.


The weather outside was beautiful so a lot of students were hanging about. But it didn't matter, I was always able to find my lover in the crowd.

My eyes landed on the most beautiful girl in the entire school. Her eyes found mine at the same time. Even though we were together for over a year and were already engaged as well. The way she looked at me just now made my heart stop beating. Her eyes shining brightly, her smile so radiant and pure and her long dark brown hair draped over one of her shoulders.

Sometimes I wonder if it's all just a dream, because she's so damn gorgeous. But as soon as I come close to her and inhale her scent, I can't stop myself from pulling her in my arms and feeling her heartbeat against my own.

"Sebastian." Y/N giggled. "You are going to strangle me."

"It will be all your fault though. I can't help myself if you look so attractive."

Y/N's eyes glinted mischievously before she lightly pushed me away and grabbed me by the arm.

"Come on, I want to show you something." She said excitedly before dragging me away.

"Why are you so eager, Y/N? You nearly pull my arm off. "

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?"

Seeing Y/N in such high spirits made me feel alive. I needed to restrain myself from pushing her against a tree and have my way with her.

We were still in close proximity of the castle though and a lot of students were enjoying a day outdoors, so I set my dirty mind aside, at least for now.


"Finally we are in apparation territory." Y/N sighed out.

"You want to apparate? Why don't you tell me where we need to go and let me do the job?" I said shaking my head.

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