The wedding (1)

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Sebastian's POV

I woke up feeling restless and on edge.

I had a hard time falling asleep last night and when I finally did, all I got were nightmares. Most of them revolving around Y/N.

I looked around the dark bedroom. My suit hang from the closet, my shoes were standing in the corner and right there on the desk was a wrinkled piece of parchment. I had read the vow that I wrote for Y/N a million times over and remembered every word by heart.

I had stayed at Anne's tonight. Technically I could have stayed in our own house, but it wouldn't feel right without her there. Besides I didn't mind the company of my sister.

Ominis had left yesterday for Gaunt manor. His family wasn't home this weekend so he took the opportunity to pack up his stuff, so that he never needed to return again. I was expecting him to return later this morning.

After tossing and turning for half an hour, I kicked off the bedsheets and walked towards the bathroom. My bare chest and back were completely wet from the sweat. My eyes looked tird and my hair was a mess.

Shaking off the negative feelings I reminded myself what day it was. A smile broke through on my face as I felt the angst dissappearing and excitement taking it's place.

I was looking at myself in the mirror. "It's really happening." I said to my reflection. "After today she will be mine forever."

Although I had a lot of time before I needed to be ready, I decided to have a bath at eight in the morning.

Somehow I had spent over an hour in the bathroom to make sure that I was nothing less than perfect. I quickly put on some comfy pants and a shirt and made my way downstairs. 

I figured I should probably eat something, although I was feeling way too jittery to get food down my throat.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard on the front door. Happy with the distraction, I jogged my way to the door and pulled it open.

Ominis Gaunt was standing outside, already dressed in his suit and ribbon tie. I have never seen him smile so brightly as he did now.

"Ominis, you look wonderful!" I said enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Sebastian. You are up bright and early, let me guess too excited to go back to sleep?"

"Something like that." I admitted as I let Ominis walk in.

"I presume Anne is still asleep?" Ominis asked as he took a seat at the table.

"Yes, I haven't heard a sound out of her room yet."

"How are you feeling, Sebastian? I can sense that you are uneased."

I laughed softly. Leave it to my best man to read me like a book.

"I am quite nervous, to be honest. It's funny though, Y/N asked me if I was nervous about the wedding weeks ago, but I just couldn't imagine being being nervous on a day like this. And now here I am feeling a thousand butterflies flutter in my stomach."

Ominis reached for my hand over the table and grabbed it in a comforting matter.

"Sebastian, it is completely normal to be nervous about it. As a matter of fact I would have been surprised if you weren't. You are going to bind yourself to Y/N today. It's not every day, you are marrying the love of your life." Ominis said.

"I know. It's just that sometimes I can't believe that she would really want to marry me. Given all that I done and all-"

"Let me stop you right there, Sebastian. There is no one in this entire world who adores you the way she does. Her whole demeanor and energy changes everytime you enter the room. Not to mention the way she talks about you whenever you aren't around."

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