The wedding (2)*

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*chapter contains explicit mature content

Sebastian's POV

Y/N and I had just walked through the doors and arrived in the foyer off the building. I turned on my heels to look at my wonderful bride. Her eyes locked with mine, their glistening made my knees grow weak. 

The smile that was beaming from her face was blinding. I mimicked her expression before I gently pulled her into my chest. 

''We did it.'' Y/N said softly while chuckling.

''We sure did.'' I confirmed. ''There's no turning back. You are mine now.''

''I wouldn't have wanted any other way.'' Y/N said as her face inched closer to mine. ''You know I was quite surprised by your gentle and timid kiss.'' 

''Believe me, that took a lot of restrain from my side, but I was very aware of all the people that were watching, your family especially.''

''There is no one here now though.'' Y/N said, her voice teasing. 

Without saying another word, I carefully placed my hands on her cheeks and brought her face to my lips. The kiss deepened instantly. My body was set ablaze just from the mere thought that I was kissing my wife. 

If it wasn't for the party, I would have picked her up and carried her to one of the rooms upstairs to show her just how much I loved her. Instead I broke off the kiss and placed a soft peck on her forehead. 

''Let's not make a mess. We still have to be presentable.'' 

''For now.'' Was all she said as rolled her eyes impatiently. 

The conversation was cut short when a loud knock was heard from the other side off the door. 

I raised my brows and looked at Y/N, who shrugged. I opened the door and in came Ominis and Anne. They had left the ceremony after us, being the best man  and the first bridesmaid. 

''Why did you knock?" I asked Ominis as Anne launched herself at Y/N. 

''We thought we would give you a chance to untangle before we walk in on you again.'' Ominis stated, shaking his head, but smiling nonetheless. 

Then Ominis took me by surprise as he pulled me in a hug. ''Congratulations Sebastian, I am very happy for the both of you.'' He said sincerly. 

''Finally I get to have a sister. I always wanted one.'' Anne chirped in the background as she squeezed Y/N in a tight embrace. 

''Come on you two, it is time to get to the ballroom, before the crowd is overflowing this small foyer.''

Do you have a second, Ominis?'' I asked. 

Y/N turned around curiously and tilted her head as she silently asked if everything was alright. 

''You go ahead love, I will be right with you.''

Y/N nodded and linked her arm with Anne before walking through the double doors leading to the ballroom. 

''What is it?'' Ominis asked. 

''What was going on before, is there something I should know off? Regarding the situation with Garreth and Arthur.''

Ominis laughed. ''There's nothing to be concerned about Sebastian. It is all taken care off.''

''But seriously though, can't you tell me what happened?'' I asked, not able to let it go.

''Some Muggles dropped a few pieces off decoration while they were setting the place up. It was quite clumsy actually, a few beautiful things were broken. But not to fret all has been repaired. Everyone was panicking when I went downstairs, but I ordered them around and made quick work of it.''

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