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The Note

It was summer season;

It had been a month since my exams were over.

I was very tired of my life. I was fed with my day-to-day life and wanted to run away from all these, all I felt was fatigue, tiresome and grueling life which I wanted to escape.

My shoulders were bend;
eyes were on the ground all red I kept on walking like there was nothing more left for me to do.

I kept on walking lost in all these thoughts all spacing out. I was walking through a road next to a cemetery.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I was not aware of anything around me.

Suddenly I heard someone's footsteps behind me. I felt that someone was following me.

When I turned around, no one was there.

Then I Started moving forward but this time my attention was on the fact that someone was following me.

When I started moving forward, I heard footsteps again and when I turned back, there was a man standing behind me.

"Who are you? why are you following me?" Hailey asked in distraught voice.

His head bowed towards the ground, he also looked tired and sick like me.

When I asked, he raised his head and his eyes were red, his face was pale, he was looking like a corpse, I was scared to death after seeing him.

I felt so scared that my body, my arms, and legs froze on the spot,
I was trying but was unable to find a move,
I was trying to run away from there but my legs were frozen on the ground.

I was trembling in fear.

Meanwhile, he came close to me, handed me a note, turned away and left the scene.

I kept looking at him and forgot that he had given me anything until the man walked away from my sight.

When he left my sight then I remembered that he gave me something.

I looked at the note and there was a name of a place and some numbers written in the note.

I felt very strange and I immediately ran away from there.

I got home and went straight to my bed and dozed off.

Suddenly I heard a loud bang of my door, I jumped off my bed out of fear, when I turned and looked, the same numbers and the place were written on my door.

Then instantly I woke up and realized I was dreaming.

I lost the track of time and it went dark;

I ate a little and sat down with my phone. The strange thing was that the same thing 'written on the note' was visible everywhere on my phone.
I got so nervous that I threw my phone away.

I thought I would watch TV for a while. It might help me to stop being delusional but even on TV the same thing repeatedly going on.

I started getting scared of my house.

I got so scared that I went out of the house and returned after midnight.

To be continued...

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