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The Farewell

Amidst all this, they become very close.

They started fancied each other.

Jacob used to sit and talk to Hailey the whole night, she also loved listening to him.

They clicked so many pictures together.

They used to sit all night side by side and talk for hours.

Hailey was very tired of her life but after she met Jacob, she realized that she could be happy.

Hailey saw a glimmer of hope.

Jacob is the person who will always listen to her and will always keep her happy.

She began to feel belongingness with Jacob.

She had never been this happy before in her life. Jacob made her feel special and precious.

That was the last day,
and Hailey applied that code in the time machine.

They came closer to each other,
both sat on their knees,
with teary eyes and a heart-wrenching pain that could not be expressed.

They did not even say a word to each other and just kept looking at each other.

"I will not let anything happen like this, I will return, find you and make everything right, I will not leave you alone. I will not forget you, Hailey." Jacob promised.

"You are a good person,
even if you can't fulfil your promise, don't be too sad because I know you will try your best,
but some things are just not in our hands." Hailey grinned with teary eyes.

"Do not go, Hailey, please do not leave me. How am I supposed to live without you? Please do not leave..."
Jacob screamed crying.

"Every moment I spent with you was so precious to me. I like you Jacob, take care of yourself and always be happy, goodbye..." Hailey bid farewell.

Before Jacob could respond to Hailey's confession, Hailey pressed the button and she disappeared from Jacob's sight.

Time changed, and Jacob forgot everything that happened between him and Hailey.

"What am I doing in father's lab? Why am I crying? What happened?"
Jacob figured.

He had forgotten why he was crying. He forgot everything about Hailey and the time machine.

After setting up the time machine, everything went back to normal.

Time changed,

Now everything returned to the place where it used to be.

Jacob's father had seen that manual for the first time.

There was a separate note that said,

'Anyone can time travel but neither any person nor a thing can be brought from there, even if they try to bring anything it will disappear.'

After reading this,
Jacob's father became disappointed and left the manual there and went back home.

Jacob waited for him to get home.

Jacob told him,
'Father, I do not want anything else but you, we have lost mother but we still have each other, so please stay alive for me, stay happy for me."

"I am sure Mother would have wanted the same thing, so stop being alone, please.''

His father knelt before him and started sobbing and apologizing to Jacob for not paying attention to him since his wife left.

He regretted everything and promised he promised to improve himself.

Then they started living happily and moved ahead in their lives.

To be continued...

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