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The more Mingyu was around Wonwoo, the more confused he became. The elder seemed so... mysterious in a way that made him want to get closer.

"You're amazing, you know." said Mingyu, slipping his jacket on. "You didn't have to- oh look, there's Minghao and Dokyeom! Should I introduce you?"

"No." said Wonwoo with no hesitation. "I've got to go now. See you."

"Bye." said Mingyu, perplexed. What was up with this guy?

But he shrugged it off and met his friends on the steps. They both sighed in relief.

"We thought you were dead! For heaven's sake, just set an alarm next time!" reprimanded Minghao.

"Okay, okay, sorry." said Mingyu. "Now we're all late for school."

"I've always wanted to take a day off." said Dokyeom excitedly. "Where should we go?"

"No." said Mingyu, holding up a hand. "I'm going to school."

"Wh- Mingyu, you hate school!"

"I know." said Mingyu calmly. "But my friend just came. He helped me do all this. I shouldn't let that go to waste."

"You have friends besides us?" asked Minghao skeptically.

"Can we meet him?" asked Dokyeom.

"Well actually, he just left. You didn't see him?"

Minghao and Dokyeom looked at each other. "No, we didn't..." said Minghao quietly.

Mingyu frowned. "But... he was right there! Short black hair, glasses, about six feet tall... you didn't see?"

Dokyeom shook his head. "Maybe he just walked quickly?"

"Yeah... maybe..."

Mingyu stared into the distance, even more confused now. Why could he see this boy when his friends couldn't?

He shrugged. "Whatever. I'm going to school. You two have fun on your date."

"Wha- it's not a date!" said Dokyeom, laughing.

"Well, you have fun with your imaginary friend, then." said Minghao, playfully hitting Mingyu in the arm. "Bye. Don't bring us the homework."

Mingyu stared after them, shocked. What if Minghao was right? What if Wonwoo really was a figment of his imagination?

He shook his head violently. "He is real!" he said aloud to himself, startling the people around him. "Sorry." he added.


As expected, Mingyu was greeted with detention the second he arrived at school.

He didn't care to explain his situation to the teacher. It's not that she wouldn't believe him, but he would only end up embarrassing himself more for the same end result. As if millions of high schoolers hadn't been in his place before!

"Screw this." he muttered under his breath as he scribbled down the algebra notes, not even caring if they were right. It was his fault he had to do this. He was losing so much valuable time to do more important things, like self-harm. Just the thought of it made him smile.

But then there was Wonwoo. Something about Wonwoo had Mingyu intrigued. He made him feel... well, almost wanted? But why was that? They'd only just met.

It was all so confusing. Mingyu sighed and put down his pencil. He didn't care about getting in more trouble. He just wanted to clear his mind.

So he raised his hand. "Professor, can I go to the bathroom?"

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