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As the day went on and bled into night, Wonwoo still hadn't left. He had made sure Mingyu was comfortable, doing everything he could for him. Eventually, Mingyu had insisted that they watch a movie together, and so Wonwoo had agreed, unable to say no to the large puppy-like boy in front of him.

They had settled for a movie called Bridge To Terabithia. "It's classified as a children's movie." Mingyu had said. "But I don't care. I've always wanted to watch it."

So now, they sat on the couch together, neither of them speaking. Wonwoo felt himself tense up when he realized how close their bodies were - but he wasn't complaining. Mingyu's body felt warm against his. Then again, a lot of things felt warm to him. But Mingyu was a whole new level of comfort.

Everything was going well until Wonwoo heard small sniffles beside him. He looked to his side to see Mingyu, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Gyu..." he said quietly. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... this part is so sad... and it makes me think of... of..."

"Of what?"

Mingyu swallowed. "Of you." he said, his voice almost a whisper. "I don't want to lose you now. I feel like you're the only one who's ever understood me."

Wonwoo frowned, truly saddened by Mingyu's words. In a way, he had already lost him. But he couldn't tell him that.

"I'll always be here, Mingyu." said Wonwoo, holding Mingyu's hands in his. He felt a tear drop onto his skin. "You don't have to worry."

Mingyu nodded, blinking to stop his tears. "I'm sorry I just broke down like that... this doesn't usually happen."

"You don't have to be sorry for crying." said Wonwoo. "Let it out. It'll feel better than bottling it up."

He stayed silent while Mingyu cried, rubbing small circles in his back. The movie was still playing, but neither of them cared. To them, all that mattered was each other.

Before long, Wonwoo felt something heavy on his shoulder. He looked to see Mingyu, asleep on his shoulder, tear stains still visible on his face.

Wonwoo smiled. "That's enough for the movie." he whispered, carefully lifting Mingyu. "I'll bring you to your room."

"Hyung... stay with me."

Wonwoo frowned. "You've never called me hyung before."

Mingyu nodded, his eyes still closed. "I don't want you to leave..."

"Okay. I'll just sleep on the floor, then." said Wonwoo.

But Mingyu grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. "My bed is big enough for two people."

Wonwoo blushed. "I- isn't that a bit..."


And Wonwoo knew, when he looked into Mingyu's barely open eyes, he could never say no to this boy.

"Okay." he said. "But I didn't bring pajamas or anything."

"No problem. Borrow some of mine." said Mingyu.

The more Mingyu spoke, the more flustered Wonwoo became. "Are... are you sure?"

Mingyu nodded. "I don't mind."

They entered Mingyu's room. Wonwoo gently laid Mingyu on the bed and turned to the closet. Everything Mingyu owned would definitely be too big for him. But what other choice did he have?

He picked out a long-sleeved white shirt and dark gray sweatpants. "You can change in the bathroom." said Mingyu.

Wonwoo took the clothes to the bathroom and slipped the shirt over his head. A scent lingered on it, but not an unpleasant one. There was the faint smell of smoke, but it was overpowered by a sweet vanilla aroma. It was calming to Wonwoo. For the first time in a while, he felt... warm, both physically and emotionally.

Once he had changed, he returned to the room. Mingyu was propped up on one elbow, smiling slightly.

"Don't be shy, hyung. I won't bite."

"But... we only just met." said Wonwoo, looking down at the ground. "You're sure this won't be uncomfortable?"

"Who cares? I want you near me, hyung."

Wonwoo smiled. "When'd you get so clingy?"

"I... stop asking questions and just lie down."

Wonwoo chuckled and laid down beside Mingyu, the younger covering him with the blanket. "You're always so cold." noted Mingyu.

Wonwoo averted his gaze. How had Mingyu not caught on yet?

"If I make you cold, let me know." said Wonwoo. "I don't have a problem with sleeping on the floor."

"Yeah, well, I have a problem with you doing that." said Mingyu. "You'll get a sore back. Come a little closer, you'll fall off the bed."

Wonwoo awkwardly moved closer to Mingyu. They were almost nose to nose now.

"Isn't this too close?" he asked.

Mingyu shrugged. "If it's too close for you- no, I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry-"

"I'm not uncomfortable." said Wonwoo, cutting Mingyu off. "I just... actually, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"I'm not." said Mingyu. "Good night, hyung."

"Good night, Mingyu."


Mingyu slowly opened his eyes, instantly blinded by the sunlight peeking through the curtains. Wonwoo was still asleep beside him, a small content smile on his face.

He jumped about a foot in the air when he saw two people, a man and a woman, standing in the doorway. "Eomma, Appa! You came home?"

His mother nodded. "We only just arrived. We'll be staying till tonight. Why are you talking so quietly?"

"So I don't wake Wonwoo, of course." said Mingyu.

His father laughed loudly. "Nice try."

"What do you mean? He's right here!"

"I think you should get some more sleep, darling." said his mother, patting him on the head.

Mingyu rolled his eyes. Why could no one else see what he could?

At that moment, Wonwoo stirred, blearily looking up at the adults. But as soon as he saw them, his eyes widened. He froze, his face pale.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" asked Mingyu, as his parents left the room.

"Nothing." said Wonwoo, still appalled. "Let's just go downstairs. I'll make you something to eat, what do you want?"


"Okay, so here's the plan - we go to Mingyu's house, kick the door down, remind him of all the fun times we had together."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Then we resort to more aggressive matters. But hopefully, it doesn't get to that point."

Minghao had spent the night at Dokyeom's house, recovering from his bloody nose. Now, the pair of them stood in front of the door, discussing their plan to get their old friend back.

"Do you think he'll forgive us?" asked Dokyeom.

"Come on, every great friendship goes through some turmoil at some point. If anything, we have to find it in ourselves to forgive him." said Minghao. "Ready?"

Dokyeom nodded. "Let's go get our friend back."

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