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Although Mingyu felt bad for making Wonwoo come back for him, he couldn't help but smile when he heard the front door open.

"I'm here." said Wonwoo, also smiling as he walked into the room. "What do you need?"

"Sit here." said Mingyu simply, patting the couch beside him. Once Wonwoo sat down, Mingyu laid down, his head on Wonwoo's lap.

"Oh- oh my." said Wonwoo, unable to contain his giggle.

Mingyu grinned. "Can you sing?"

Wonwoo shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm not that good."

"I doubt that... I want to hear you, hyung."

Wonwoo sighed. "Fine."

The first song that came to mind was a song he held close to his heart. It was a song his mother used to sing for him whenever he couldn't sleep.

'At night when everyone is falling asleep
I'm sitting alone
I'm still awake
Holding onto a day that has passed'

Mingyu smiled, already loving Wonwoo's voice. He couldn't believe the elder thought he wasn't good at singing.

'Am I waiting for someone?
Or do I have something to do?
If it's not, then do I think of the place
That I want to go back to?'

Wonwoo's face was slowly turning red, embarrassed. However, Mingyu seemed to be enjoying it, so he continued.

'If I lie down on your knee
Brush my hair
Like when I was young
If I fall asleep lightly from your nice touch
Just let me stay for a moment
Don't wake me up
I'm going to sleep tight'

He looked down at Mingyu. The younger had his eyes gently closed, and he wore a beautiful smile that Wonwoo loved more than anything. He wished Mingyu would smile more - even though he was beautiful no matter how he felt, his happiness made Wonwoo feel warm inside.

As for Mingyu... smiling was something that was only possible when he was with Wonwoo. There was something about the way Wonwoo cared about him so much, despite his mysterious aura. No one had ever understand Mingyu quite the way Wonwoo did. No one had ever Mingyu made feel as loved as Wonwoo did. No one could ever come close to Wonwoo.

'When your calm eyes
Fall upon me
Will I be able to smile
So brightly like I used to?'

Mingyu reached for Wonwoo's hand, the latter of the two squeezing his larger hand gently. This put a smile on Wonwoo's face as he sung.

'I think I'm tired
I've held on long enough
I wish there was a shortcut
To get back to you'

Wonwoo thought of everything he'd lost as he sang that line - his family, his friends, his future, and most importantly, his old self. He really did wish there was a shortcut to those happy times again - they hadn't seemed happy at the time, but now that they were out of reach, Wonwoo missed them terribly.

'If I lie down on your knee
Brush my hair
Like when I was young
If I fall asleep lightly from your nicе touch
Just let me stay for a moment
Don't wakе me up
I'm going to sleep tight'

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu again, smiling at the sight. He hadn't noticed that Mingyu had fallen asleep, a content smile on his face, feeling more peaceful than ever.

"Good night, Gyu." he whispered, stroking the younger's hair softly.


Mingyu woke first the next morning. He was still lying on Wonwoo's lap, his hand intertwined with the elder's. He looked up at Wonwoo with eyes full of love.

Wonwoo was still asleep, his neck bent at an odd position. It was clear he was uncomfortable, but he had stayed so as not to wake Mingyu. The younger smiled at this realization.

He stood up carefully and stared for a moment. Even now, Wonwoo was so beautiful, almost too beautiful to be real. But his neck must hurt like that...

Mingyu leaned closer to his friend, gently placing a hand on his neck. Up close, Wonwoo was even more beautiful. For some reason, Mingyu found himself focusing on the elder's lips. They looked so soft and pretty... but why were they getting closer...


Mingyu hadn't realized he'd been getting closer and closer, until his lips were inches from Wonwoo's. Wonwoo stirred and opened his eyes.

"Gyu, what are you doing?" asked Wonwoo, his voice two or three octaves lower than normal, which was saying something.

"Ah, hyung." said Mingyu quickly, standing straight as possible. "I was just... um... just..."

Wonwoo smiled. "You dork." he said, in that characteristically deep voice anyone could easily be attracted to. "Have you eaten?"

Mingyu shook his head. "Not yet. I just woke up."

"Well, what do you want?" asked Wonwoo.

Mingyu shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we could go out for breakfast?"

Wonwoo bit his lip. Of all the things he'd been expecting, that wasn't one of them.

"Or we don't have to-" said Mingyu quickly, noticing Wonwoo's expression, but Wonwoo held up a hand to stop him.

"It's fine with me, Gyu. I'll drive you there, okay?"


The restaurant was torture the second they arrived.

Mingyu was clearly having the time of his life, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Wonwoo tagged along, faking a smile every now and then. It'd been months since he'd been in public, and it hadn't gotten any better- in fact, it was worse.

People walked past, bumping into him every now and then. He kept falling against Mingyu's arm awkwardly.

"Watch where you're going!" the younger finally shouted to a young family as Wonwoo fell yet again.

Wonwoo winced slightly. "Gyu-"

But Mingyu didn't listen. "You all keep hurting my friend, and if you don't stop, I'll call security!"

The youngest of the family started crying. Wonwoo hit Mingyu in the arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Who's your friend?" asked the father challengingly. "Because I only see you."

"None of your business!"

Mingyu stepped forward before Wonwoo could stop him. The mother grabbed her kids' hands and hurried away awkwardly.

"You might wanna watch yourself, kid." snarled the man. "Before I have you personally escorted out of this place."

"Mingyu, don't-" said Wonwoo hurriedly, sensing what was about to happen.

Mingyu threw his arm forward and started punching the man. Wonwoo bit his lip and approached them quickly. By now, the whole restaurant was staring. Even people outside had stopped walking to get a glimpse of the chaos through the windows.

Wonwoo knew exactly why this was happening. Mingyu's emotions were getting the better of him again. It was part of his nicotine withdrawal, and it was inevitable. But if he just told Mingyu everything, maybe things would start to fall into place...

No. He couldn't. He knew neither of them were ready.

And as he watched Mingyu and the man brawl seemingly endlessly, he wondered... did Mingyu know?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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