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If you wanted to find Wonwoo, you would want to look at two places - the library, and the park. While Wonwoo loved being around books and enjoying peace and quiet, the park was quite beautiful, particularly in the spring, but even in the winter. The trees were barren, but not unpleasant to look at. Small piles of snow surrounded them. All around Wonwoo, people were walking, talking, just being people.

Wonwoo missed that.

He had placed a jacket next to him, just to let people know he was there. He wanted to be alone. Well, scratch that. He didn't want to be alone, and he never did. But now that he was so close, yet so far to the people he loved most, it seemed loneliness had found him.

And that was why he valued Mingyu - not just because of their fate, but because he was there. He noticed Wonwoo. And maybe, just maybe, he could connect them, just like the stars had written.

The sun was just starting to rise. Wonwoo loved watching sunrises and sunsets, not just because of the scenery, but because they reminded him of... himself. He had risen, a beautiful baby, evolved into a child and a teenager, before he set. He sometimes thought of himself as the sun, in that matter. Technically, everyone was a sun- they rose and lived, before they set into the horizon.

He still remembered that dreaded night. He had been walking late at night, the stress of school overwhelming. He had recently entered the college of his dreams, which was amazing, but also stressful. Suddenly, there had been a sound. He thought nothing of it at the time- it was probably just a car backfiring. But then he heard it again, and an immense pain ran down his back. He had turned around and immediately regretted it.

He shivered at the memory. He still felt the pain sometimes, in his worst nightmares. It was awful.

A young couple walked by him. A woman in her mid-twenties held hands with a man around the same age, a small child walking between them. The child was giggling about something his father had said. Wonwoo smiled sadly as he watched them pass. Memories. So many memories that he cherished and hated at the same time.

People walked right by him, never even noticing him. He didn't expect them to. Mingyu was the only one who could ever notice him. It sounded depressing, but it was the truth.

He found his job quite easy, actually. Mingyu was simply... amazing. Wonwoo felt genuine care for him, but why did he care whether Mingyu felt the same way?

Was fate finally on his side?


"Ya, open the door!"

Mingyu appeared at the door, annoyed. "What do you two want?"

"Jesus, no need to be so snappy." said Minghao. "What happened? Our texts aren't going through to you."

"We thought you died." added Dokyeom.

"Just go away! I don't want to talk to you right now!" yelled Mingyu. Minghao and Dokyeom stepped back, surprised.


"You don't believe me." muttered Mingyu. "I know what I'm talking about. Wonwoo is definitely real. You can call me crazy, but you have to believe me."

"I can't believe you after what you said." said Dokyeom, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Mingyu."

"Wonwoo is the only contact in my phone, and I don't plan to change that. My parents never talk to me, my sister hates me, and now I hate you. Goodbye."

"Mingyu, you really don't know what you're doing-"


Mingyu reached out and punched Minghao in the face, the slightly younger instantly sporting a bloody nose.

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