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The texts only went through when Mingyu got home.

Wonwoo: Mingyu I'm at your house, I hope you don't mind

Mingyu: Why are you at my house?

Wonwoo: Just because. Are your parents ever home?

Mingyu: Sadly no :( they're always at work

Mingyu: And my sister lives with my grandparents

Mingyu: So I'm basically alone

Wonwoo: I am too :/ I don't live with my parents, we're just in the same house

Mingyu: What's that supposed to mean?

Wonwoo: Nothing. Are you here yet?

Mingyu: I'm right outside the door, actually

Wonwoo: Hang on, I'll let you in

Within seconds, Wonwoo was at the door. Mingyu frowned.

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I guess I'm just fast." said Wonwoo. "Do your friends do this?"

"You mean appearing at my house with no permission? No, not really. But that's why I feel like you're a true friend."

Wonwoo smiled sadly. "I'm sure your other friends are better than me."

"I doubt it." said Mingyu. "And to think we met when I woke you at a library..."

Wonwoo chuckled. "That was awkward."

Mingyu nodded. "It was. Should I make you-"

"No need. I already prepared this."

Wonwoo held up a steaming hot cup of ramen. Mingyu was amazed.

"Wow, how did you know I was craving ramen?"

"I had a feeling." said Wonwoo. "Here, take it."

"But... did you eat already?"

Wonwoo shook his head.

"You should eat something! I won't eat until you do... what do you like?"

"No, trust me, I don't need anything." said Wonwoo. "Just eat it. I'll sit with you, so it's not so lonely."

"But don't you need to get home?" asked Mingyu.

Wonwoo shook his head. "If anything, I feel lonelier there."

Mingyu frowned. "I'm so sorry. Are your parents... you know..."

"Abusive? No, not at all. I love my parents." said Wonwoo.

"But then why..."

"You'll find out soon, Mingyu." said Wonwoo. "I can't tell you right now. I need to be ready. Can you wait for me?"

Mingyu nodded. "Yes. Yes, I can."

But he was still overwhelmed with curiosity. Something was strange about Wonwoo, and he was going to figure out what it was.

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