Chapter 9 The battle begins. Goku Black vs Endeavor

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Previously on what if Goku Black trained Deku. The heroes thought they had the jump on league of villains.  But it was part has planned by All for one. The training camp wasn't the only thing attacked. And it would seem things are dire where Goku Black is fighting. Who is this adversary he's fighting with ? Find out... Now!

Few hrs ago before the attack in the training camp...

The heroes were preparing for the raid. Some were helping with the evacuation.

Team A:

Team B:
Best Jeanist
Present Mic
Gran Torino
Kamui woods

Principal Nezu-All right, team A will do the raid on the warehouse and team B will be in charged of evacuating the citizen.


Principal Nezu-Ok, now lets finish this.


Everyone left the room and proceeded on the mission but Endeavor stayed to speak with Nezu.

Principal Nezu-Endeavor what is it that you need.

Endeavor-Has there been any word from Hawks.

Principal Nezu-Sorry I'm afraid there's not. In fact I haven't heard a word from him in awhile, even this starts to worry me.

Endeavor-Whatever, I can try to end this myself.

Principal Nezu-I hope, if not all hope would be lost.

Few mins later. Team B evacuated everyone away from the warehouse. Then Team A used the entrance for a sneak attack.

Mirko-Seriously we're using the front door ? Come on that's literally less exciting.

Endeavor-All for One can predict anyone's movements, he would obviously expect the obvious.

Mirko-Fine. I just hope we can bash some heads.

Midnight-Don't worry, we might.

Snipe-Please don't encourage this.

Everyone made it to the room. And saw nothing but darkness until the door was closed shut. Then heard clapping.

Goku Black-Well, well, well, Nice of you to drop by. I mean I was expected an entrance but using the front entrance was smart since everyone likes to make entrances.

Mirko-Yeah, yeah, let's fight already.

Endeavor-Just wait. Why are you the only one here ?

Goku Black-Oh they moved. I stayed to see what heroes is the strongest. But I'm not lonely I have this feather to keep me company.

Everyone recognize that feather.

Midnight-That's Hawks feather.

Snipe-What did you do to him.

Goku Black-Oh let's just say that we clipped his wings. Or kicked the bucket ? Or whatever he put up a good fight but he didn't last for 5 seconds.

Endeavor-Why are you even doing ?

Goku Black-Because mortals are a mistake among all divine creation.

Mirko-What does that make you a God ?

Goku Black-Well sort of. After all I am indestructible and immortal.

Snipe-All right now we know your bluffing.

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