Chapter 1

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Justine has always struggled with money. She has gotten by over the last 5 years of post-college life but with rent, bills, and student debt.. things have felt unending.

For most of her adult life Justine has lived with her best friend Lyla. Over the years they continued looking after each other, and attempting to stretch out any penny that entered the household.

Lyla makes her money by working for a few offices in the area as a temp, the work pays a little but the inconsistent contracts means that some weeks she is unemployed. Justine works two retail jobs and the money is consistent but as minimum as minimum wage can be.

Leaving her 2nd shift of the day Justine overhears her coworker Vanessa putting in her two weeks.

Vanessa "Look Tom. Like I said I'm gone on the 14th."

Tom, Justine's boss replies "Vanessa, you are putting me in a really tough position. We are short staffed.."

Vanessa "With all due respect it's not my problem! I got a better offer."

Tom "Okay okay I get it. Look, I'll offer you a 4 cent raise... IF you stay with me for another 30 days. After your 30th day you'll get that raise on any future checks."

Vanessa "Absolutely not. How insulting can you be!? You know what.. consider me gone as of today."

Vanessa turns to leave as Tom yells "Guess your coworkers will suffer longer hours with no lunches you lazy piece of-"

The conversation is halted by Vanessa slamming his office door on the way out. She lets out a heated sigh just as Justine comes into her view.

Justine looking concerned asks "Hey, you okay?"

Vanessa takes another heated breath before replying "I am now, what an ass."

Justine nods "Definitely, you get a better job?"

Vanessa smiles a bit despite her frustration "Yeah I did.. look you heard him in there right?"

Justine "I did. It's going to be really shitty without you."

Vanessa "Yeah sorry.. but you were always super cool and covered shifts for me when I needed it so here."

Vanessa hands over a slip of paper with some printed information.

Vanessa's tone lowers as she softly says "Please keep this private. I joined this medical testing trial. It pays incredibly well. Check it out if you don't want to deal with Tom. Later girl. Good luck with wherever you end up."

The two ex-coworkers part ways as Vanessa heads out. Justine takes a moment to look at the paper, before she can fully understand it she is stopped by Tom yelling "Justine! Change to the schedule. Need you tomorrow at 6am."

Justine sadly nods and looks at her watch. It's already 10pm and she has an hour bus ride home. Justine looks at the paper again while leaving the store officially, the pamphlet sized paper indicates the "Celton Clinic" will be providing some medical studies. By the time Justine gets to the bus stop she reads the last line. 'Trial payment ranging from 750-2000$ a week' she stares at it with wide eyes and mutters "Go to hell Tom."

Arriving home Justine sees her best friend watching some reality TV and zoning out from her long day, she looks exhausted.

Lyla is shorter than Justine, she keeps her light brown hair around shoulder length and when she is at home she dresses in the softest baggiest clothes available. Justine on the other hand keeps her black hair longer, and tends to wear more form fitted athletic clothes when at home.

Lyla greets Justine sleepily "Heyyyy. I got a pizza from this office party, it was completely untouched. I left you some."

Justine smiles at her kind friend "Thank you! Did you get enough to eat?"

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