Chapter 34

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It's been an eventful couple of weeks for the Mommy and Little duo.

For starters, Justine did something she never thought possible, she bought a car! Sure it's used, and it doesn't have any special gadgets or cameras... but it's a car. They can finally put those long bus rides behind them.

Before the lactation... a car seemed so far away, it felt like a luxury she would never be able to budget for. Looking at their life now, it would be hard to imagine these two roommates scraping by.

Despite this new ability to leave home at any hour for any reason, the two roommates have stayed home. If Justine had her way they would be on a road trip across the state by now, but Lyla... she has been struggling.

Separation anxiety.

Ever since the Zoo trip. Even going to the dealership together caused a meltdown on the way home.

It's been a long few weeks for Justine, but things are progressing. Hopefully, today will be able to combat some of those feelings. Just a simple trip to the Library. Easy.

We see the two women sleeping side by side, Lyla clinging onto her mommy's pajamas while blissfully asleep.

The little one is the first to open her eyes as she begins moving around the bed in a sleepy autopilot. She lifts Justine's loose pajama shirt just enough to expose her chest. Lyla inches closer and closer with her eyes barely open. It only takes a few scooches, and adjustments before she cozies up to the breast closest to her.

After a few more sleepy adjustments she successfully latches onto her milk source and drifts back asleep.

A half hour later Justine wakes up with a stabbing aching feeling. She feels Lyla sucking her empty breast, painfully searching for milk. The well-experienced mommy places her index finger in between Lyla's lips and her skin to pry the little one off, once she is free she lets out a soft "Ouch." before continuing "Okay princess let's try this one now for a bit, then we'll start our day."

Lyla sleepily grumbles in response.

Justine turns her body slightly and holding her breast she guides it towards Lyla. The grumbles become whines, and then a happy cooing as she starts to eat.

While her right breast is occupied the Mommy takes a moment to rub her sore nipple on her left. With her other free hand she takes out her phone and starts scrolling through her news feed, and her social media when a banner notification pops up "Mom's birthday." She pauses at it for a few seconds before swiping it away. There are a lot of other things to focus on today.

The tired Mommy reaches over to her nightstand, making sure to not pull too far away from the attached Little, she grabs a small vial of balm to soothe her aching. Rubbing it in she lets out a sigh of relief. Who knew becoming a food source would be taxing on her body?

Eager to start the day Justine reaches down and pushes on the back of Lylas diaper. She feels the warm and soggy squish of a very wet diaper. No surprise there.

She starts to make an internal checklist, Lyla's diaper changed, go to the bathroom, change Lyla's clothes, get dressed, Lyla's playtime, breakfast, then we go to the library. Easy.

With the feeding almost done Justine nudges Lyla's shoulder "Good morning princess, it's time to start the day!"

Lyla responds to the nudging with a muffled "Nuh-uh" she mumbles causing milk to escape her mouth and drop onto the sheets.

Justine sighs at the milk on her sheets, she tries again, this time with a bit more sternness "Okay pumpkin I know you don't want to get up but Mommy needs to pee. It's time to stop."

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