Chapter 19: Do we even have a lowkey.

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General Perspective

As the days turned into weeks, Rosé and Yu celebrated their one-month anniversary as a couple. It had been a month filled with laughter, love, and the joy of discovering each other's worlds.

To mark this special occasion, Yu had planned a surprise for Rosé. She knew how much Australia meant to Rosé, and she wanted to make their anniversary unforgettable.

On the morning of their anniversary, Rosé woke up to find a handwritten note from Yu on the bedside table. The note read, "Meet me at our favorite beach at sunset. I have a surprise for you. - Yu."

Rosé's heart raced with anticipation as she read the note. She quickly got ready, her excitement building with each passing moment. The beach had always held a special place in her heart, and she couldn't wait to see what Yu had in store for her.

As Rosé arrived at the beach, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sand and the waves. Yu was waiting there, a smile on her face that lit up the evening.

"Happy one-month anniversary, Chaeyoung," Yu said, her eyes filled with love.

Rosé couldn't help but smile as she embraced Yu. "Happy anniversary, Yu. What's the surprise?"

Yu reached into her bag and pulled out an envelope. She handed it to Rosé, who opened it with trembling hands. Inside, she found a certificate of Australian citizenship with her name on it.

Rosé's eyes filled with tears of joy as she realized the significance of the gift. "Yu, you... you got me Australian citizenship?"

Yu nodded, her smile radiant. "Yes, Chae for both of us. I wanted you to know that Australia is not just your home; it's our home now. I want us to build our life here together, and this is the first step."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Rosé pulled Yu into a passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with love, gratitude, and the promise of a future together.

As they watched the sun set over the beach, Rosé held her certificate of Australian citizenship close to her heart. It was a symbol of their love and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives-a chapter that held the promise of a home, a future, and a love that would endure through all the seasons of life.

Month later

Rosé and Yu had managed to keep their relationship lowkey ever since they settled down in Australia. They had known that one day, the world would discover their love, but they hoped for more time together before that moment arrived.

One sunny morning, as they sat down for breakfast, their peaceful life was shattered by the deafening buzz of their phones. Both of them glanced at their screens, bewildered at the flood of notifications and messages pouring in. It took a moment for the realization to sink in, and their hearts sank as they saw the cause of the commotion.

Pictures of them sharing a loving kiss had gone viral, spreading like wildfire across social media. The comments were harsh, judgmental, and filled with backlash. Rosé's heart ached as she read the words that questioned her choices, criticized her actions, and unleashed a torrent of negativity.

Tears welled up in Rosé's eyes as the weight of the situation bore down on her. She had always known that coming out and facing the scrutiny of the world would be difficult, but the sheer intensity of the backlash was overwhelming. She felt trapped, vulnerable, and exposed.

Yu, sensing Rosé's distress, immediately rushed to her side. She held Rosé close, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. "It's going to be okay, love," Yu whispered softly, trying to soothe Rosé's trembling form. "We knew this day would come, but we'll get through it together."

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