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"Good morning, Y/n!" Y/b greeted with a yawn. "How long have you been up? Also, have you seen my key card? I've been searching for it all morning."

Y/n replied sleepily, "No, and honestly, I don't understand why you're going to work today." Meanwhile, Y/b collected all his work items and began to tie his tie. "Y/n, every day I go to work, we come closer to finding her. We can finally bring the person who ruined our lives to justice. Also, why are you packing hiking and camping supplies?"

"I'm doing what anyone would do in this situation, going camping in the woods, and it seems like I'm going alone... all because of your stubborn commitment to work," Y/n retorted.

"Y/n, you know I have to go to work. Hayward and I are so close to catching her. They'd give me the day off, you know. After Mom and Dad passed away, Hayward was always there for us and even offered both of us a job. Come on, I know you turned down the offer, but he's helping me catch the killer."

"You're so obsessed, Y/b. Take a break and grieve the normal way. I understand that, I'm angry too, but you can't continue like this." Y/n leaves

Thoughts racing through his mind, Y/b whispered to himself, "I'm doing all of this to protect you, Y/n. Sooner or later, you'll find out the truth."

As Y/b arrived at work, he scanned his keycard

Hayward approached him, a concerned expression on his face. "Y/b, how are you and Y/n? And what are you doing here? I know this week will be tough for both of you. It's completely fine if you want to take a few days off."

Y/b replied firmly, "I'm okay. The only thing that would bring me some peace is catching her. Y/n, on the other hand, is struggling. She went camping... we used to go camping with our dad."

Hayward nodded understandingly. "It's alright, we WILL catch her, no matter what. And Y/n going camping? Never thought I'd see the day. That girl screams when she sees a butterfly."

Y/b chuckled softly. "You're right," they sighed. "I really should have gone with her."

Hayward offered, "You still can. I'll get the jet warmed up, and you can go join her."

Y/b shook their head. "No, no. We're so close. After we capture her, I promise to be a better brother to Y/n. Enough chitchat. Friday, Bring up Wanda Maximoff's file."

Y/n drove to the hiking site, the crisp air filling the car as the haunting melodies of Mitski played in the background. The lyrics echoed in Y/n's mind, resonating with her current state of mind. The world seemed distant.

Just as Y/n was lost in her thoughts, Y/n's phone vibrated with an incoming FaceTime call. With a quick glance, Y/n saw it was
her best friend, Lacy.

"Hey, Y/n," Lacy greeted, concern evident in her voice. "How are you and your brother doing? I know it's been tough since your parents passed away. By the way, where are you headed? Are you and Y/b going hiking?"

Y/n sighed, her grip on the steering wheel tightening. "No, I'm going alone. Y/b couldn't take a break; he's at work,"she replied,
her voice heavy with disappointment. "Ever since our parents died, he's been different. I needed some time away."

Lacy understood, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Oh, man. I can come with you if you'd like. I can be there for you, " she offered.

Y/n shook her head, a small smile forming. "Thanks, Lacy, but I know you hate any type of outdoor nature things. Especially something without wi-fi. I'll be alright on my own. I really need to be alone."

Lacy relented, understanding Y/n's desire for solitude. "Alright then, I'll leave you to it. Just make sure you have fun out there. Take care, okay? Bye!"

"Bye, Lacy!" Y/n said, hanging up the call. She  took a deep breath and spoke to themselves softly.

"I'm definitely restarting the song. She called at the best time," Y/n smiled, singing her heart out.

After driving for what seemed like an eternity, y/n finally arrived at a somewhat sketchy parking lot in front of a dark and eerie forest. With a mix of excitement and nerves, she gathered her things, prepared to embark on a few days of hiking and camping. But just as she was about to take her first step, a stranger suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The stranger startled y/n, shouting, "Don't go up there! People who venture into those mountains never come back. It's dangerous and there aren't any villages nearby."

Not one to be easily swayed by spooky stories, y/n rolled her eyes and retorted, "I'm just looking for a peaceful hiking trip. I had no idea there was a village or anything like that up there." The stranger seemed genuinely frightened as he muttered, "Be careful."

Feeling annoyed by the stranger's cryptic warnings, y/n snapped, "Just leave me alone, okay?" And just as quickly as he had appeared, the stranger vanished into thin air. Y/n muttered under her breath, "What a pussy."

Despite the strange encounter, y/n pushed aside her doubts and resolved to move forward. With determination in her eyes, she took a deep breath and confidently stepped into the mysterious forest, ready for the adventure ahead.

A/n: okkk how was it?

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