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Wanda usually doesn't sleep. But tonight she actually fell asleep , but that was all ruined cause of this buzzing in her head. Whatever it was, it made her mad and woke her up. Wanda slowly gets up and realizes that the buzzing is Y/n's phone. HOW IS THIS DAMN PHONE STILL WORKING UP HERE. Also who would call at this time. It's so early. Wanda quickly looks at the time and it shocks her. Did she finally sleep in. Maybe it was cause she felt safe with someone else there or maybe she was soo tired she passed out. Who knows. Wanda quickly looks at the phone and realized it's the same person from yesterday. The name on the phone sounds so familiar. She has heard and seen the name y/b once before. As Wanda was thinking about answering it. She smells something amazing. It makes her stomach growl. Wanda sits in her bed completely forgetting about the buzzing phone. A few minutes later a knock comes at her door. "come in" said wanda. "Goodmorning thank you so much for letting me stay with you, I hope you don't mind I used your kitchen and made you some breakfast." Wanda completely in shock with this girl. She seems scared of her yesterday, what's so different now.

Y/n barely slept. Y/n woke up early. She made sure too. I mean she's in a crazy person house. The women who killed her parents. Y/n felt angry, but she knew she had to hide it. WANDA CAN FUCKING READ MINDS. She had to stay quiet. Y/n couldn't find her phone, but it doesn't take a genius to know Wanda has it. Y/n knew she had to call Y/b, to tell him she's alright and to call him about  wanda's location. She NEEDS her phone back. Y/n decided to look through all the drawers and maybe then she can find her phone. After an hour, Y/n still has no luck, every drawer had pictures of vision and Wanda's fake kids. Y/n can hear Wanda snoring, who knew a killer could sleep so easily. It's honestly really disgusting . Y/n stomach starts to growl and she decided to make herself breakfast. She knew she had to leave today, but she had a plan to stay longer. make sure Wanda doesn't leave or anything. Make sure Wanda gets caught for good. Y/n decided to be soo nice to wanda, that wanda can't kick her out. If that doesn't work, y/n will figure something else out. All Y/n knows is she has to stay near wanda. She makes wanda some breakfast and brings it to her room. A soft " come in" comes from the other side of the door.  Y/n sucks up to wanda, anything to make wanda like her. " omgmgg this are sooooo good, you gotta give me the recipe." said wanda. Y/n laughs and says, " sure, if you let me know where you got the comfy couch, you know i fall asleep on my couch all the time and yours somehow is comfier than my bed." Wanda laughs and says," you should sleep in my bed. Much comfier" Right when she says that's she regrets it right away and turns as red as a tomato. " wait wait wait i didn't mean it like that." Y/n says nothing and wanda feels a little worried, until y/n busts out laughing. " your funny wanda" Wanda turns pink. They come to a moment of silences.

They eat in silence. Y/n decided to break it and say, " Must love the solitude, what do you do for fun?" Y/n is trying her hardest to break Wanda, make sure  to loosen her up. " not really, I mean who wants to be alone there whole life, I just need a break." Things get quiet and a little awkward. "um anywho I like to read and wow that's pretty much it", answered Wanda honestly. " WOW you're boring. I mean no TV or anything.... wait you don't listen to music? your crazy." said Y/n. Everything loosen up between them and they talk for hours. Wanda doesn't even realize it up its already dark. Y/n knew though, she wanted it to be dark. FUCK WINTER is all that comes to Wanda mind. " i better get going, I don't want to over stay. I understand you need your space Wanda." Wanda  looks outside and it looks colds and so many animals could be out right now. "you can stay", wanda said sharply. All of a sudden Y/n hugs wanda tightly. " Thank you thank you thank you, I really really appreciate it." said y/n. wanda soaks the moment, she felt relaxed . They both did, but they both shook the feeling off. they stop hugging and wanda says," goodnight, thanks for the company." Y/n smiles and says," thanks for letting me stay." Y/ n leaves the room feeling happy she tricked wanda so easily. She made wanda think, that she actually likes her. Or maybe Y/n really made herself think she doesn't like wanda.

Wanda doesn't remember the last time she had hugged someone. Wanda's smile never leaves, she's actually happy. She doesn't trust Y/n that much, but still the company is nice. It's just one more day. Wanda is so lost in her thought, she doesn't even thing about the phone ringing next to her.

Y/b is on his last straw. He will send a WHOLE search party to find Y/n. She still isn't answering. He knew she would be MIA for a few days but, come on let a brother be scared for his sister. Y/b is sitting in this office when Hayward walks in. "Still nothing on Y/n? It's okay Y/b she's tuff she'll be ok." said hayward confidently. " I know she's tuff, but i'm not as tuff as her." said Y/b. Tears welling in his eyes. " Hayward she's tuff, but come on I just can't live without her. I mean look at me, she at a camping trip and i'm freaking out cause she didn't answer my phone call." Hayward hugs Y/b. No matter how much Wanda hates Hayward for ruining her life and destroying her "fake" reality. Hayward is amazing towards Y/n and Y/b. He will do anything to protect them. ANYTHING.


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