Lots of Cries

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Hayward is the director of S.W.O.R.D. Wanda maximoff hates him. Y/n and Y/b love him. Hayward was Y/n parent's best friend. He would start a whole war for that family. When he found out Y/n's parents died, Hayward was just an agent for SWORD. The second he heard it was Wanda Maximoff fault, he swore to make her life hell. Once he became director, surprise surprise wanda commits another crime, but this time no avengers to save her. When she got away Hayward felt like he failed Y/n and Y/b. He spent all his time alone trying to find Wanda, but now he has the help of Y/b.

"I'll have the banana and strawberry crepe please." said Hayward. Him and Y/b went to get breakfast, like they did every Sunday. Usually Y/n ordering a crazy amount of food. " thank you for everything, sometime i feel like me and Y/n don't show that." said Y/b. Hayward replied," I would do anything for you guys, you are like my own children." It's true, they were like his children. " enough of the soapy stuff." they both laugh. " I have news on the maximoff case", said Hayward happily. Y/b tears already in his eyes. This is the first breakthrough in a VERY VERY long time. " it's not solid but it's hope, a man, I believe homeless said he seen maximoff go up some mountains. He won't tell us where, but we will crack him. He definitely wants money, but anything is a hint now. He described exactly what Maximoff was wearing and it fits the description". They both stare at each other. Y/b just bursts into tears and they both hug each other. Both wishing Y/n was here to hear the good news.

Y/n was scared and was really wishing she wasn't stubborn. She could have invited Y/b, then she wouldn't be stuck in this situation. For some reason it's pouring rain. This mean Y/n has a reason to stay another night. Y/n is happy she could stay and maybe help capture maximoff, but come on she's about to jump Wanda. Wanda currently is making breakfast for the both of them. They haven't spoke, but wanda is thinking she HAS to let y/n stay. Wanda can't live with herself if someone else gets hurt."Here's some breakfast." Things back to being awkward." thank you. I um really appreciate this." said y/n. Wanda says nothing. Wanda is suspicious. She can't trust Y/n. Y/n knows Wanda doesn't trust her. she has to make Wanda trust her, and the way to do that is by telling the truth. " I know you Wanda. Not just because of WestView, I've known you since your first mission." Y/n says in a slightly sad tone. " you were there weren't you. You wouldn't be telling me this if you weren't. The building. Your family was in there? I'm sorry." Wanda said apologetically. Wanda still suspicious as to where this conversation is about to go. Raining coming down harder than before. " Yeah. My parents, it's just me and my brother now. I lost everything that day. But i want to say one thing." Wanda still prepared to get yelled at. As much as it pains y/n to say this, " I forgive you. Everyone blamed you, but they have no idea what you went through, so i'm sorry." Everything Wanda felt in Lagos came back. She just started sobbing. Y/n quickly came over and hugged her. They stay like that for what felt like forever. Wanda not wanting to let go. Y/n not really knowing what to feel, but all she knew was her plan worked. Wanda finally felt the heavy feeling on her chest slightly go away. She carried years of guilt. Someone was finally there for her, understood how she felt. Wanda starts to sob again and Y/n was there the whole time holding her. They calm down. The storm doesn't seem to settle down at all. Y/n decided to take her chances. " hey I understand if you don't trust me, but do you have my phone?" said Y/n. Wanda doesn't know what to say, all she knows is she has to be honest. " yes i have your phone, i'm sorry Y/n but i can't trust you." "Yeah i get it. I'm just gonna sit outside for a bit." said Y/n understandingly. In the inside, Y/n is pissed. She just told Wanda everything and Wanda still can't trust her. Wanda starts to feel bad, now that wanda knows the guy calling is her brother, she can only sympathize with Y/n.

Y/n loves listening to the rain. She been out there for hours now. It calms her down a lot. She knew she will get her phone back soon. She WILL get Wanda caught. "hey it's cold, you could get sick." says wanda as she gives Y/n tea. " thanks for the tea. Don't get too worried, it almost seems like you care." said Y/n in a calm yet almost sad tone. " i'm not a bad person." said Wanda. " i know, but i can't trust you and you can't trust me. it's seems like i'm going to have to stay here for a bit cause this rain isn't calming down. I just want to get to know you. You already know about my parent, i deserve to know a bit about you. I mean you cried in-front of me." said Y/n. Wanda laughed, yet was happy someone was interested in her. " well what do you want to know." Y/n eagerly said," EVERYTHING". " hahaha well my parents are died and i'm a twin. I had a twin brother who died, actually a bit before my first mission. I didn't even want to go." said wanda sadly tears in her eyes. Y/n hugs wanda and says, "I'm sorry wanda no one should go through. I didn't think Tony would force you to go on a mission. He was always so understanding." Y/n said loosely. Now before you ask, Y/n loves Hayward but Tony was her real best friend. He was barely a friend more like a father. Y/n didn't even realize what she said. Y/n saying this triggered something in Wanda's head, it triggered alarms. ( Let's say wanda and tony were close-ish. like the avengers were a family.) Wanda's eyes turned red." Who are you? What do you want? YOU WORK WITH SWORD DONT YOU", Wanda yelled, holding Y/n up in the air with her magic. Y/n freaking out, but also mad and sad. Tears come to Y/n's eyes," Tony was my Dads best friend. He was like a father to me after my dad died", Y/n practically yelled. Wanda suddenly stops. Tony was always like a father to her. She never heard of Y/n, why didn't tony say anything. she lets go of Y/n. "Tony never said anything." said Wanda. "I've been nothing but nice to you. You still can't trust me huh. You know what i need a break just leave me alone." Y/n said almost heartbroken. Y/n walking into the rain. All Wanda can do is watch her walk away. Wanda suddenly gets the weighing down feeling back in her chest. Y/n actually lied about how she knew tony. It doesn't matter though. Wanda killed both her parents and Tony. It's all wanda's fault.

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