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A/N: Sorry I took so long!

In the cabin, y/n wakes up all confused, "Ughuhh, what happened?" The place is cute, but eerily empty. "Hello?! Hellllooo HELLOOOOO, is anyone here?" she shouts, but no one bothers to reply. Feeling like she's in a ghost town, y/n decides to snoop around.

She stumbles upon a hallway with a load of pictures. Boom! Wanda Maximoff in most photos, looking all happy with two twin kids and some man, maybe-
her husband. Ding-ding! It hits y/n that this is the fake family Wanda made.

Suddenly, Wanda herself shows up, giving y/n a scare. "What are you doing?" Wanda asks, her accent thick. y/n, in her signature dramatic style, let out a cry for salvation, "AHAHAHHAHAHA LORD SAVE ME PLEASE!" But Wanda, in that thick accent, shuts her down real quick. After the chaos, they're just sitting there, y/n scared but oddly comfy. Wanda's got this intense vibe, but somehow, they find a weird calm.

It felt like hours of silence. Somehow both of them wishing they stayed home. " thank you" quietly said wanda. "what" said y/n. "thanks for bring my picnic basket back", wanda said. "oh yeah it's fine, said y/n shyly. They just stare at each other. "Ahem uh i'm going to make some tea, want some? said wanda. "yes please" said Y/n.  Wanda gets up to make the tea. They fall into this quiet calm environment. Suddenly a buzz comes from Wanda's pocket. There some distance between the kitchen and living room so Y/n doesn't hear it. Wanda looks down at Y/n 's phone in her hand. She had to take it, y/n could have called someone, or even worse called the police. Wanda doesn't want to hurt anyone else.

Meanwhile, y/b's blowing up y/n's phone, freaking out. "Answer, I knew I should've gone with you!" y/b rants. Y/n finally answered. Y/b yelled, "THANK GOODNESS YOU ANSWER!!!! Y/n why haven't you answered my calls. Come on you know better. I'm so disappointed." Nothing but breathing coming from the other side. "look y/n I know your mad but come on, you know how i've been since mom and dad died. You're all I have left." Suddenly the phone call ended. Y/b looks back at his phone confused, maybe her phone died. All he can do is pray she calls back. He really should have gone with her.

Wanda hung up as quick as she could. She really shouldn't have answered that. It's an invasion of privacy. She felt some kind of sympathy towards the girl and this random man on the phone. I mean she could relate to her. All Wanda had left was Pietro and once he left, she felt she couldn't live anymore.  Wanda, so distracted and lost in her thoughts accidentally burns her hand. "ah ow" Almost in a flash Y/n comes out of nowhere and puts wanda's hand under some cold water. "Be careful, you could have really hurt yourself, i mean there no hospital near by to go to""thanks again" said wanda. "heres your tea. I'll  give you some time to relax and sleep. I'm going to be in my room if you need anything." said wanda. " wait where do I sleep." said y/n confused. "now now don't get TOOO  comfy, your sleeping on the couch." said wanda. They both chuckle. " well then thank you for all this, I really appreciate it." said y/n. Wanda waves her hand gesturing that it isn't a big deal. Wanda may be seen as a bad person, but she would never let anyone die or be hurt, not like before. Never like before.

Wanda doesn't know why she even trusts this girl, she HAS to kick her out tomorrow. Today she'll let her sleep and relax. JUST TODAY. Wanda lays in bed thinking about everything, Vision, the phone call, and what really is filling her mind, is that girl sleeping on her couch. Similarly, all y/n can think of is wanda.

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