Everyone is Lost

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*to match my storyline let's say wanda was 17 when Lagos happens and now she's 27.

Y/N walked into the dense forest, her mind wandering to a day ten years back when she lost her parents at the age of 16. It was a trip to Lagos, Nigeria, originally meant for a vacation but turning out to be more of a trip to hell. The memories from that time still haunted her as she explored the mountains.

*Past Y/n (10 years ago)

"Y/N!" her mom called out, "Come down, we're about to leave!" Y/N, couldn't resist. She sneaked up behind her mom and playfully shouted, "BOO!" Her mom shrieked so loud that it made Y/N's dad and other sibling, Y/B, want to join in, yelling, "BOO!" in unison. Y/N got so scared that she almost fell over.

Y/B's dad chuckled warmly and said, "That's what you get for scaring my wife!" as he gave Y/N's mom a big, loving kiss. Y/N and Y/B pretended to act grossed out. Y/B teased, "Can you not do that in front of us, please?"
Y/N's dad, with a knowing grin, said, "Once you guys get married, you'll understand. Now, come on, we're going to dinner! I found this cute little cafe in Lagos." Y/N, always ready to eat, exclaimed, "I'm starving! LET'S GO!"
Y/B playfully hit the back of her head and teased, "You're always hungry!" Laughter filled the room as they shared this heartwarming family moment.

*It flashes back to Y/n now. Tears rolling down her eyes

*Back to past Y/n

As they entered the cafe, chaos erupted all around. People were in a frantic scramble, running in every direction. Y/B and his parents managed to find safety, thanks to the Avengers, but Y/N's fate took a different turn. She became trapped in the surging crowd, disoriented and unsure of where to go. In desperation, she sought refuge in a nearby building. Y/N's parents, in a panic, ran after her while Y/B watched in helpless tears.

Y/N's parents reached her, but the building suddenly erupted in flames, everything crumbling around them. Y/N's cries pierced the chaotic scene as she clung to her parents, pleading, "Mom, Dad, please be okay. Answer me!" But her parents remained silent, and she sobbed, unwilling to let them go, until a stranger picked her up, pulling her away from the fiery abyss.

Outside, Y/B witnessed the destruction and screamed at the ones responsible. He saw them fall to the ground, overheard their name: Wanda Maximoff. That day, he vowed to make her life a living hell, believing his parents and sister were gone forever.

Suddenly, Captain America emerged from the building, carrying Y/N to safety. She was bewildered and lost, not comprehending what had just unfolded. Everything had happened so swiftly. Y/B, with newfound determination, made it his mission to protect Y/N, for they never saw their parents again after that tragic day.

Y/N abruptly snapped out of her daydream, her eyes welled up with tears. She had been walking through the woods for hours and found herself deep in the wilderness. The sky was overcast, heavy with the promise of rain. With determination burning within her, she decided to set up her tent and start a fire for the night. She was unwavering in her quest to conquer the mountain.

Frustration gripped her as she struggled with her tent, and she found herself talking to it as if it were a recalcitrant friend, "Come on, this tent isn't cooperating with me. Please, just work with me." Her self-conversation seemed to soothe her nerves. Once the tent was up and the fire crackled to life, she lay inside, listening to the rain pour down, unsure if she had what it took to reach the mountain's summit.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/N rested in her tent, surrounded by the rhythmic patter of raindrops. Meanwhile, two other people were doing the same thing as Y/n

Wanda Maximoff's story was a sorrowful one. She had lost her husband not once, but three times, and her children were gone too. Some would say she had also lost her mind along the way. In her own way, she believed she was doing everyone a favor by hiding in the heart of the woods, on a remote mountain that few ventured to. Despite a few attempts by others to visit, she had driven them away. It was there that she found solace, a place of quiet, although it could be lonely at times, it felt perfect to her.

Her days all seemed to blend together, each one beginning early in the morning and never truly ending. She couldn't sleep, not with the haunting memories of Vision and her children's deaths. Wanda began her day with an abundance of coffee to stay awake, she relied on it. After a simple breakfast, she would either read or just fix her gaze on a wall, allowing her mind to drift.

However, today was different. The rain outside created a soothing symphony, and it made her feel like staying in bed all day. So she did, conjuring her coffee with her magic and fixing her eyes on the glass roof above her. The raindrops, like a melancholic lullaby, drew her away from the tumultuous thoughts that usually plagued her. Gazing at the rain brought her a sense of comfort, which was the complete opposite of Y/b.

Y/B's concern for Y/N was unparalleled; he cared for her like no one else. His worries for her were akin to a parental figure, but Y/N wants her old brotherly bond back, not a parent. He was only a year older than her.

That evening, as he returned home from work late, thoughts of Y/N consumed him. The rain outside was relentless, making his drive back nearly perilous. Regret gnawed at him, the weight of his choices pressing down. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he should have gone with her. What if she was unwell or, even worse, injured? The incessant rain only intensified his anxiety, as he gazed out the window, each raindrop echoing the sorrow that enveloped him, a reflection of his deep concern for Y/N.

A/n: Yay second chapter

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