The Hidden Oasis

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The day started with Y/n awakening to a crisp and rainy night's aftermath. She felt surprisingly refreshed, ready to continue her ascent up the mountain. While not exactly an outdoor enthusiast, she relished the solitude it offered, a temporary escape from the clutches of work and, more importantly, her ever-present brother. She needed some space, and this journey provided just that.

Hours of solitary hiking eventually led her to a breathtaking discovery – a hidden waterfall surrounded by lush vines and a tranquil lake. The fruit nearby appeared freshly grown, giving the place an otherworldly charm. The beauty here was almost too perfect to be real. Overcome by the serenity, Y/n decided to take a spontaneous swim. Fortunately, she had packed her swimsuit just in case, and she quickly changed to dive into the crystal-clear water. Time seemed to slip away as she lost herself in the moment, oblivious to the presence of an unseen observer lurking behind a tree.

Wanda's morning followed a familiar routine: coffee, a good book, and the sun breaking through after the previous night's storm. Her thoughts, however, drifted to the fruits she had cultivated near the waterfall using her magic. She'd put a lot of effort into keeping them alive, and she worried that the rain might have undone her work. Despite her magical abilities, there was something satisfying about nurturing nature. She decided to check on her fruits and perhaps enjoy a picnic by the waterfall. The journey was quite a walk, but it was always worth it. She packed her favorite snacks – strawberries, almonds, chocolate, and snackwiches – more than enough for one person.

The walk through the peaceful woods was serene until she heard the unmistakable sound of someone rummaging nearby. Wanda paused, listened to a woman talking about life and someone named Y/b. It was an intrusion into her personal haven, and it irked her. Anger swelled within her as she made it to the waterfall. The unexpected guest, Y/n, who was leisurely enjoying Wanda's fruit and swimming in her waterfall, had unknowingly disrupted her plans for a relaxed day. Wanda decided to abandon her picnic, tossing her basket aside, and left to return to her cabin. Some unexplainable instinct urged her to get away, convinced that this stranger wouldn't approach her domain again.

Y/n, still reveling in the peacefulness of the lake, was jolted by a noise in the nearby bushes. "What was that?" she wondered. Intrigued, she explored further and found a basket brimming with fresh food. Everything seemed brand new, leading her to notice muddy footprints on the ground. Compelled by curiosity, she decided to follow the trail, collecting her belongings and following the mysterious footsteps.

Meanwhile, Y/b, preoccupied with the relentless search for Wanda, couldn't shake the worry about Y/n. He had called multiple times, but her phone was on "do not disturb." He grudgingly knew he had to focus on work, hunting for traces of magic in different areas as they continued the search for Wanda, despite their lack of success. In that moment, he couldn't help but wish he had been with Y/n.

Deep in the heart of the tranquil forest, Y/n's curiosity guides her along a hidden path, finally leading her to a mysterious cabin. Looking around in awe, she whispers to herself, "I had no idea there was a cabin back here. Whoever lives here must really love their solitude."

Deciding to respect their privacy, Y/n gently places the basket in front of the cabin door and prepares to make her exit. But just as she does, an unexpected surprise stops her in her tracks – a massive, imposing creature stands before her. No, not your typical woodland critter, but a massive lion, its eyes locked onto her. Panic surges through Y/n's veins; she's always had a fear of animals.

Desperation takes over, and Y/n frantically pounds on the cabin door, praying for someone, anyone, to answer her pleas. The lion's presence reminds her why she's never been a fan of camping in the first place.
Suddenly, an invisible force whisks Y/n into the cabin, rescuing her from the jaws of danger. As she catches her breath, she gasps, "Oh my God, thank the Lord! I thought I was a goner out there."

Watching from the shadows, a mysterious figure named Wanda observes her with a cryptic smile and retorts, "You should be thanking me."

Y/n turns, ready to thank her enigmatic savior, but she stumbles over her words, stuttering in disbelief, "W-wa- Wanda Maximoff? AHAHAHAHHA." The sheer shock of the situation leaves her speechless.

Wanda's unexpected encounter with someone who knows her identity triggers a momentary freak-out. In a hasty move, she knocks Y/n unconscious, who collapses to the cabin floor. Gently, Wanda carries her to a nearby couch, watching over her for a moment before murmuring, "What did I get myself into?" The cabin's secrets, the peculiar meeting of these two strangers, and the mysteries yet to unfold are the foundation of a story waiting to be told

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