2 || Diagon alley encounter.

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A few days passes by and it was already July 31, 1991 the day before I attended hogwarts.

Me and my mother decided to go to diagon alley to buy the things I need for school, at first I hesitated and kept insisting for mother to go alone

I always hated going out or going to crowded places but mother kept insisting.

I got ready, it was almost autumn too so I decided to wear some black turtleneck with some beige pants and a beige trench coat to fit the season.


We finally arrived to the diagon alley, my mother then pulls out a quite long list of items we need.

"y/n you must stay close, it's pretty crowded here especially since it's back to school for some other people."

My mother then spoke.

I honestly don't know why she even brought me here in the first place when clearly she's going to act all worried about me getting lost.

We then started to walk through the crowd as I held into my mother, suddenly we're Infront of some shop called "Ollivanders"

I thought it was kinda freaky at first or whatsoever to the fact I kept staring at it without realising my mother was actually talking to someone.

It was a creepy guy with long hair while wearing some black button up shirt and some long black coat with matching black pants.

He was obviously a pure blood based on his expressions and his clothes but honestly I'm guessing he isn't one of the good ones.

Beside the long hair creepy guy is some dude with blonde hair too, Draco.

As usual he had those creepy smug while his hair was completely filled with gel.

My mother then spoke to what I guess is Draco's creepy father.

"Draco is completely all grown up! Who knew they'd go to hogwarts together. It's absolutely a pleasure to see you here Lucius."

Draco's father then replied with a smirk

"Absolutely, why not your pretty daughter and my son go get their wands inside the shop while we catch up? I've heard that your husband has been busy with the ministry lately."

My mother then smiled and spoke, "What a great idea, Draco dear why not guide my daughter inside? She's a shy one you see.."

Those words were like my worst nightmares, me dealing with dracos annoying attitude was the worst yet I had to deal with it

Especially because the malfoys and my family, the Persephone are great friends and currently support eachother causing them to give eachother properties and many more.

One wrong move and the families relationship can turn into something absolutely bad!

I snap out of my thoughts and gave Draco a deadly glare while he gives me one of his annoying smirk.

We entered the shop which was dark, behind the front counter there was tons of boxes with different names.

There was no one in the counter to help us the I spoke.

"You better not do anything stupid, Draco. Me with you is already harder than it has to be." I crossed my arms and stare at him sternly.

"Oh come on y/n! We can be close friends since we're both pure bloods after all, plus I'm a fun and cool person to hangout with! Tons of people would want to be in your position right now so why not stop acting all ungrateful?" 

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