chapter 11

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Evans pov

I sit back and iand look at my peprrmin pizza it was almost ,done i go up to rhe conter and ask for more. I despertialy wnat noah to simmer god i wish we never got married. I look over at the worker whos workinga dn it was aidyn. we lock eyes and i feel butterflies suddlenly feel as if im not simmered 

"hey what cn i egt you" the woker asks 

"Well ill start with your number thwn ill get the peperroni pizza" i say and wink 

"Well its xxx666 hit me up anytime" Aidyn says i blush 

aidyn hops the counter and takes me to his house. I look around and i see 10 faces staring back at me 

"My pizza boy who are these people?" I asks tuckinga starnd of hair behind my ear and bitting my lip

"Well my little pup  this is my family let me introduce them to you" 

" Okay so let's go oldest to youngest, My oldest and only sister is Amy. She's 21 and she's already graduated so she doesn't live with us. She's fairy. The next oldest is Sacha. He is a half-demon half-human. After him is Felix. He's a warlock. Then there's Milo. He's a full angel. Then there is me i'm the middle child and they usually forget me. Then there are the twins Simon and Oliver. They are full demons. Then we have Parker. He's low key famous and is part angel. And last but not least, there's Noah you might know him" Aidyn says fastly 

"Oh and how coukd i forget my parenst whoabren't evan my parenst my mom emma my othermom no theyre not married theyre all siblings whon adopted kids toghetr bc they would all watch there spouses die so they just dieceiued to move intogether and adopt kids her name is lily then are my dad idk there names bc i dont like them" Aidyn fastly says again  

"oh wow you have a small family" i say and he laughst 

"yeah i do" 

"so what are we goug to do" i ask 

"Well i have an idea" he says as he take smy hand and leads me to his room 

we open his door and we lock eyes 

"What are we going to do in you room" i ask 

"were going UNOOOOOOOO" Aidyn cheers and so do i. It rememinds me of when people cheered at Noah when he was crying and running out of the pizza place what a good time. 


It was and a full a moon and i had to get home before something happened i see aidyns window and becuas aidyn was asleep i climed out of it and left. 


I call the number xxx666 and wait for aidyn to answer. 

He picks up and says 

"So I know tonight's a full moon. How are you doing?" 

"I almost forgot about that. My mom's making me stay in the basement tonight so I don't hurt anyone because won't I have control when I change" I tell him. Hoping he understands.

" Well one of my friends is a werewolf and he says that the more he turns the more control he has. But since it's your first time, you won't have much control." He tells me

" It can't be that bad can it? i mean i already did it once" I ask, concerned.

" Well, to be honest, I don't know," he says truthfully, and as he says that I feel a sharp pain in my back. I yell out in pain.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!?!" he says. I drop my phone, crumple to the floor, and it all goes black.

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