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(A/N this is before Evan asked Noah out it takes place the day after Awkward dinner)

(Amy's P.O.V)

Hi, my name's Amy I'm Noah's oldest sibling. I am a half-fairy, half-angel. I am 21 years old. 

I have brown hair, as well as dark brown eyes. My purple glasses stand out on my tan skin. I have had braces since I was 15 years old. I am average height, but most of my family calls me short because they are all tall. Even Noah is taller than me and he's only 15.  

Today I going to visit my family and let them meet my boyfriend Jaiden. I have a daughter named Rosy she's three months old her dad isn't Jaiden, he passed away in a car accident before she was born. My parents know about her and met her once and that's when she was born.

"Jaiden did you put the car seat in the car?" I ask Jaiden. We live with each other in an apartment.

"Yes I did it yesterday" He responds while holding Rosy, who was whining about not getting candy. Jaiden was bouncing while Rosy was balancing on his hip. Even though he's not her father, he still acts like it. I love the relationship Jaiden has with Rosy. 

I run back and forth in and out of the house, grabbing bags and shoving them in the trunk of the car. Jaiden stays inside, trying to calm Rosy down. We were going to stay with my family for 2 weeks.  

"Okay, everything's packed! Bring Rosy out here and we'll put her in her seat!" I shout from beside the car. 

Jaiden's voice floats out from the house. "Be quiet Amy, I just got her to sleep!" I smile to myself and sit down in the passenger set of the car I love my small family   

The car ride was two hours long and Rosy woke up and started crying at least seven times but now we're pulling up in the driveway of my parent's house  

"Can you get Rosy and bring her inside please?" I ask Jaiden. He picks her up and we walk to the door. I knock on the door and Austin opens it. We hug and he lets us in.  

"Amy you're here," Emma says and hugs me then tuns to Jaiden then hugs him 

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Lilly says and goes to pick Rosy up 

"Amy when did you get here," Jeremy says while he hugs me he's always late to things. We sit down in the living room and my siblings come out of their rooms I notice that Noah is not here. 

"Hey, guys I missed you all so much," I say wondering why Noah isn't here.

"Where's Noah?" I ask Emma

"He went out with his 'friend'" she says while using quotations  when she said, friend   

" So how did you and Jaiden meet,"  Lilly asks and Jaiden and I look at each other 

"A week after Thomas and I broke up he passed away in a car accident.  Jaiden was one of the doctors that were trying to help keep him alive. I was 9 months pregnant and I went into labour the next day. Thomas died an hour after Rosy was born." I say, not wanting to make eye contact with any of my family members because I just got there and I didn't want to cry. 

"Thomas and I were together for almost a year then. He cheated on me and so we broke up. That night, I saw him at a party at one of our friend's house and we fought. We both got drunk then kept fighting. He got really mad and almost hit me. He drove off and that was the night he died." I said. I look up at my family and they were all looking at me with sad eyes. Tears were even falling down some of their cheeks. 

And that's when Noah burst in, angry as ever. Tears were visibly forming in his eyes. He looks around and sees his sad family.

"Hey gu- what happened? When did you get here Amy? I'm sorry, I'm going to go." He says, storming up the stairs. I look up at Lilly and Emma and they just shrug. 

"We'll talk to him later," Lilly says, handing Rosy around the circle of my family. Rosy seemed happy for all the attention. I sigh, knowing that my family was happy and all of us were ok.  Rosy finally makes it back to my arms and she buries her head in my chest. I know she's tired after that long car ride and so I excused myself from the family reunion, leaving Jaiden with everyone so they can talk and I go upstairs to feed Rosy and put her to bed. 

I walk down the long hallway of bedrooms, because, you know, there or TONS of people in my family. I walk to the end of the hallway because that's where my old room is and I go to open the door and freeze.

I hear voices inside.

Noah's voice. 

I forgot that Noah took my old room after I left because he didn't want to sleep with Parker anymore. I thought I was staying in this room while I was here because I'm the only girl. I quickly feed Rosy and put her to bed and tiptoe back to the door. Noah is still talking to God knows who.  I put my ear to the door and listen. 

It's a boy and I think they're on the phone. I listen at the door for a while and soon, it's only Noah talking. I think the mystery boy on the phone might have fallen asleep. I mean, it's almost 11:00 so I understand. Noah soon quiets his voice to a whisper. I pressed my ear harder to the door and I hear Noah take a deep breath. 

"I wish you liked me back," he whispers. 

And the room goes quiet. 

Does Noah like boys? 

How many of my family members know?

II have no idea so I think I might just keep this to myself. Just for Noah's sake. 

I grin for my little brother and walk back downstairs, the smile never leaving my face for one minute. 

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