The Date pt 2

27 3 3

(Evan's P.O.V)

"Uh..." is all Noah said, how can I be so stupid?  

Of course he doesn't like me he's probably not even gay and just said that he is to make it less weird and that's why he didn't kiss me why am I so dumb

"It's fine if you don't want to I get it you like some you told me that Monday," I say to Noah how did I forget 

" NO, I mean no, um, I am was just wondering if it's a date or not because it would be weird if one of us thought it was a date and it wasn't or the other way around you know?" He mumbles. 

It's so cute. See? It's not weird if I think this anymore.

" It can be if you want it to," I say I am I so dumb

" Well it's up to you," he says while blushing. 

Wait am I his crush? No, I can't be, Can I? 

"Great then it's a date," I say with full confidence and a HUGE smile. 

"Great," he says with a smile a very adorable smile. 

ugh, I could just kiss him I won't because he doesn't like me but I could.

" sooo when is this date?" he asks, shifting slightly as his head adjusts on my chest.

"Well I didn't think that far through cause I didn't think you would want to go," I say with all honesty

" How about tomorrow at three and the movie can be your choice," I say.  Wow I'm so confident today

" I-I like that idea," He says with a smile and still blushing I realized that we're still cuddling. I loosen my grip around his torso. My muscles contract as he moves his arms. I can feel the smile on his chin and he replaces his arms around my torso tightly. 

"I um never mind," I say I was about to tell him how I feel

" Are you okay," Noah asks with a worried expression

"yUp." I say as my voice cracks why am I so nervous now I was fine two seconds ago. 

"Your face is really red you sure you're fine," Noah asks

" it's just my rosacea acting up," I say I hope he believes me even though that's not how rosacea works.

"Oh okay," he says wow no offense but he is not that smart but it's fine cause he's adorable

(Noah's P.O.V)

I'm not dumb.

I know he's blushing but I don't want to embarrass him. I'm really scared for tomorrow what if he doesn't like me or it's a joke and other people are gonna show up and make fun of me and Cassie will be there and tell me their dating and I- 

"Hey you okay?" Evan says pulling me out of my thoughts by looking up at me from my chest. Wow he's still there. 

"Yup, I'll be right back one second" I say as I get up quickly, 

 I sit down on the floor and listen to Evan pacing. 

Maybe he likes me.

"Okay.  You can do this Noah" I say to myself quickly as I leave the bathroom. 

I go behind Evan and warp my arms around him. 

Why did I do that 

"Heyyyy Noah you okay" he says with a red face. I guess his rosacea is "acting up" again. I smile at my own joke, glad he cant see me. 

"Yup" I say and I realize that maybe he really is into me.

He turns around while my arms are still wrapped around him and we come face to face. He smiles at me and buries his face in the crook of my neck. Goosebumps cover my body and I feel him smile.

This is going to be a crazy next few months, I think to myself, smiling and moving my hand to his hair. I run my finger through his hair and he sighs into my neck, causing another round of goosebumps to run down my body. 

We stand like this for a long time.

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