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Sacha P.O.V.

Amy came down stairs smiling like crazy.

I wonder what happened.

"Hey Amy, what happened up stairs that made you so happy?" I ask

"Oh Rosy just went to bed fast that's it," she says but I don't believe her. We're only three years apart so I know her pretty well.

"Okay if you sayyyy soooooo," I say while exaggerating. She gives me a look. 'I'll tell you later' her eyes tell me. I smile at her as a thanks. We used to tell each other everything but then she moved out so I became closer with Simon and Oliver.

" So Sacha where you going after high school," Amy asks me

"Well I applied to a whole bunch of collages this year and I haven't gotten into one yet" I say

" Well it's getting late we should go to bed" Austin says they always change the subject when someone brings up collage. We all leave and go to our rooms. Amy pulls to the side before I go into my room that I share with Milo.

"I think Noah likes someone " Amy says while smiling  

"Who?" I ask now I have something to tease Noah about

"Um well umm" Amy stutters out

"Come on just tell me" I say

"IthinkNoahlikesaboy"Amy says really fast but I understand. My eyes widen after I comprehend what she said.

"There's no way. He had a girlfriend before he's like the straightest person I know" I say but I will be there for him no matter what

"Have you met him I'm not surprised" Amy says and I yawn

"I think we should go to bed" I say and she nods we go our separate ways.

Once I get to my room I fall asleep

******** time skip to the morning************

I wake up and smell crepes. We never have a family breakfast unless someone is over

I go down stairs and see Noah with a sad face and I remember the conversation Amy and I had. We all sit down at the table and I look at Noah

"Hey Noah you know you can tell me anything" I say to him and he gives me a look

"Um okay thanks I guess" He says

"Even if you think you can tell anyone" I say hoping he'll tell me

"Okay" he says while shoving food in his mouth. He doesn't usually eat much though it was more like he just wanted an excuse to not talk. He never really eat a lot he could be very self concision sometimes I notice he has tears in his eyes I get up to go the bathroom and text Noah to follow me .

"What did you want to talk about" Noah says behind me 

"are you okay you look like you're gonna cry" I ask him

" Um I was watching a sad movie last night and made me realize no girl will ever love me" Noah says so maybe Amy was wrong and he doesn't like boys.

"Oh okay just checking cause I care about you" I say and we hug.

We walk back out and no one looks up as we sit back down. I remember something.

"Hey Amy! I have swim practice tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to come!" I exclaim.

She looks at me in surprise.
"I thought you stopped swimming just before I left?"

"I did but then I didn't have any other sport to play so I just went back to swimming and I'm better than ever!" I was proud of myself. I had been swimming since i was 4 and then my parents gave me up so I couldn't swim while I was in the orphanage. Then I got adopted by Lilly, Emma, Austin and Jeremy and they got me back in swimming

I'm really glad that I was wanted even thought I was 7.

My thoughts get interrupted by Emma.

"That's an amazing idea Sacha! We should all go and we can cheer you on!" I spin so violently towards Emma that I elbow Noah in the ribs.

"OW Sacha, what was that for!?" He exclaims, rubbing his side.

"Sorry Noah. And I didn't even hit you that hard, you're so week" I say rolling my eyes at him. He turns back to his food with a sad look in his eyes and I remember that he was upset earlier.

"Sacha cut it out, you're 18, so act like it." Austin says from next to Lilly.

"Emma. There is no way that all of you are coming to my swim practice. It's not even that important. You don't all need to come." I say to her. That would be embarrassing. I swim with my crush, and I don't need her knowing that I have a giant crazy family.

"Good, we had plans tonight anyways" Oliver says, motioning to himself, and then Simon who was next to him, then going back to his food.

"Ya same" Noah said quietly. I spin towards Noah.

"YOU have plans?" I ask him incredulously. He almost never goes out. And I mean never. He looked offended when I said that. Lilly gave me a look that told me to stop messing with him so I look back down at my food.

Beside me, Noah sits up straighter and drops his fork. I turn back to him and Jeremy gives me a look of warning.

"As a matter of fact, Sacha, I DO have plans with a friend from school. And you guys aren't the only ones that are allowed having plans so don't act all surprised next time, OK?" he said angrily. He picked up his fork aggressively and shoveled a new mouthful of crepe into his mouth, getting chocolate all over his face. I nod and put my hands up in surrender and turn back to my food, picking at it slowly. 

"It better not be that Evan kid," Felix asks from the other side of the table, talking for the first time that morning.

"What's wrong with him?" Noah asks.

"Who's Evan?" Amy asked.

"Evan is a kid that came over last week. He's a werewolf and before leaving, he made Noah cry." Emma said angrily. I almost never see her angry so she clearly doesn't like Evan. Amy shakes her head and continues feeding Rosie.

"So what if it is him. He's my best friend and I'll hang out with him if I want. Why are all of you attacking me this morning?" He shouts, pushing himself away from the table and storming up the stairs.

"We'll go talk to him" Lilly says, motioning for Emma to come with her. They walk upstairs.

Soon after, Noah comes back downstairs, eyes red and puffy, with Emma and Lilly behind him.

"We have to go guys." Austin says, checking his watch. We all stand up and troop out the door, as usual, heading for school for the week.

I wonder why Noah went immediately to Evans defense. Does Noah like Evan? Is that who Amy was talking about. I need to find out now.

We get to school and Noah jumps out of the car and ran for the school. Parker runs after him.

Parker is the same age as Noah and they get along really well.

I shake my head. I'm disappointed in myself for what I said to him. I'l apologize to him after I guess.

School is going to suck this week.

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