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Milo Hi I'm milo Noah's third oldest sibling I'm gay but no one knows well not yet Anyway I'm an angel yes that's right en angel how lovely right? Wrong! It's so hard to be an angel. People think you're always nice when in fact I want to kill almost everyone I meet. So let's not get into the dark stuff today I like this guy his names Alex and he's so cute he has nice hair that goes to his shoulders it's a nice light-ish brown but the thing is I think he's straight and might have a thing for this other girl and the worse part is he's human that's right human I met him at the park one day and we tax allllllll the time and has no idealism an angel or that I'm gay and I want to tell him both of those things but I'm scared. "Milo can I ask you something," sacha asks me while amy is next to him I nod "Do you think Noah's gay or bi or pan even," Amy says really fast "What did you just say?" I say "Do you think Noah ikes guys," Sacha says way slower than amy "I mean maybe he only ever dated that girl in middle school what was her name oh right Cassie?" I say and they nod"Well bye im going to my swim meet my girlfriend is gonna be there?" Sacha says while smiling widely "Wait how'd you get a girlfriend and when?" I say how can he get a girl and I get even come out"We've been texting for a while and then bam I asked her out and I asked her to come today and she said yes" he says and walks off and amy leaves to i go back to room forgetting why i left in the first place. Wait i have a great and very stupid idea"Emily, Lexi, Austin, and Jeremy can you guys come here please i need to talk to you" I yell and they all come down at the same time because they can teleport. "What's up," Lexi asks "Okay well this is harder then I thought," I said I was gonna come out right now I really hope they support me "Okay well we support you no matter what," one of them says I can't really tell witch "I well I am um gay," I say while stuttering and Emily and Lexi run up to me and hug me " we support you and we don't care who you like" Austin saysb" but that means no boys in your room with the door closed," Emily says and I laughWe talk about how I knew and if I like anyone right now and I told them about alex but not that he's human and then I went to bed and tomorrow I will tell my siblings I wake up to felix sreamin gmy guess that it's about cars. I walk down stairs and see crepes I sit down at my spot and start to eat I don't really pay attention to anything till Sacha and Noah leave it was wired Noah came back with a look of horror like someone started a rumour about him and he finally found out. Sacha made fun of Noah for never having plans. When someone mentioned Evan Noah got so defensive maybe he likes him. Once I finished I got ready for school then got ib he car and sat in slice as everyone got in and we rode to school in silence. When we got there I rushed to my dorm to text Alex. 

(A/N Hi guys so this was a filler chapter but I had lots of writer's block I hope I post more now and this book is still under editing)

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