~ Chapter 1 ~

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Some days are so bad, I want to curl up and die. In fact, some days are so bad, I wish I'd never been born.

I lay in bed and blearily opened my eyes. Turning my head to look at my alarm clock, I saw that it was nearly 11:30am. I really should get up, I thought. But I didn't. Instead, I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes again, hoping the world would do me a favour and disappear while I wasn't looking. Pulling the covers over my head, I fell back into an exhausted sleep, weird dreams haunting me as I rolled around.

A few hours later, I opened my eyes again, hoping that all that would greet me would be endless blackness, stretching away into nothing, swallowing me up so I didn't have to deal with anything anymore.

But as I slowly rolled up the shutters of my sleepy brain, I found myself bitterly disappointed. Not only was there a distinct lack of 'nothing' surrounding me, the light in my bedroom was somehow even brighter than before.

Rolling onto my other side, I glanced at the time: 2:45pm. Ugh, I thought, no wonder it's so bright... My bedroom window faced west, so the afternoon sun always shone directly into my room, lighting up even the furthest corner.

I closed my eyes again, trying to shut out the light, but a second later, I ripped them open once more, as a realisation hit me: I'd closed my curtain before going to bed last night. So why in God's name was it open now??

Sitting up in bed, I looked around the room, and my eyes landed on a young man with a shock of blue hair atop his head, long bangs almost covering his eyes. He was leaning on the doorframe, a cheeky grin adorning his squirrel-like features.

"Jisung?" I asked, bewildered. "What are you doing here?"

"'Morning, Sleepyhead," the boy answered, his grin somehow getting wider. "Or should I say, 'Afternoon'? Were you planning on getting up today?"

"No," I replied with a huff, flopping down onto my back and pulling the covers over my head once more.

I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Felix..." my best friend sighed. "It's been three months now. Don't you think it's time you faced the world again?"

I lay still for a minute, staring at the underside of the doona an inch above my face. Then I heaved a shaky sigh, a tear sliding down my cheek.

"She's gone, Sung. I'm never gonna see her again."

Jisung gently pulled the doona off my face and wiped away the tear.

"I know, Lix. But three months is a long time! We all miss you, you know. The boys keep asking when you're coming back."

I let out another sigh, while avoiding his eyes.

"I know it's been a long time, Sung, but ... I'm not ready yet. I ... I don't think I'll ever be ready."

Jisung moved some hair off my face and gave me a gentle smile.

"Maybe you just need some help. That's why I'm here! I think the first step is getting out of bed and having something to eat. So come on -- I made you a delicious breakfast. You're not gonna turn that down, are you?"

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