~ Chapter 2 ~

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Some days are so bad I want to curl up and die. In fact, some days are so bad I wish I'd never been born.

But some days ... some days are so good, they make me want to live forever!

This was one of those days.

Of course, I didn't know that at the start. I woke with a smile on my face, and spent a minute trying to remember every detail of the dream that was fast slipping away. Having failed at that, I opened my eyes, my smile replaced by a frown. To my surprise, though, my annoyance didn't stick; it faded away as quickly as the dream had.

Feeling slightly bewildered, I glanced at the clock to my left and let out a small gasp. 9:07am. I hadn't woken up that early for months! I lay still, doing a mental check of my current state of health. No headache, no aching muscles, no lingering tiredness... In fact, I was feeling better than I had for a long time. The reason? Last night, I had experienced my best sleep in three months. Three months and a day, I corrected myself.

Every day since Mum died, I'd had terrible trouble sleeping. It always took me ages to get to sleep, tossing and turning til I was thoroughly exhausted. And even after I'd eventually fallen asleep, I'd have horrible nightmares, waking drenched in sweat at 3 or 4am.

I'd change my clothes, then go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of warm milk. Half an hour later, I'd be back in bed, feeling warm and cosy, hoping that this time, it'd be easier to get back to sleep. It wasn't. The next time I woke up would be late morning - or, if I'd had a particularly bad sleep, early afternoon. And even then, it would take a monumental effort to get out of bed. Some days, I didn't get out of bed at all.

But today was different. Today, for the first time in a very long time, I wanted to get up. Not only did I have energy, but I was also feeling quite hungry (that was a surprise, too).

My mind wandered back to yesterday, and I smiled as I remembered what Jisung had done for me. He'd come here wanting to break the cocoon I'd constructed around myself, and to convince me to go back into the world.

I hadn't been ready for that at the time, but now, in the light of a new day, it didn't seem like such a bad idea.

So I got out of bed, surprising myself at how easy it was, and went to the bathroom. After I'd washed my face and attempted to tame my bed-hair (not entirely successfully), I made my way out to the kitchen.

As I sat eating a bowl of cereal, I mulled over the new feeling that had been growing inside me since the moment I woke up. I wasn't sure what it was, or what it meant, but I knew it was a good feeling. I tried to focus on it, swirling it around in my mind as if I was tasting a new wine.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like it was telling me to do something. But what? My mind wandered back to my conversation with Jisung yesterday, and then further back to how I'd been living for the past three months.

I sighed. I'd really let things get out of hand, hadn't I? I'd let myself and my friends down, by not looking after myself, and by hiding away from the world for so long. I suddenly knew that I couldn't live like that anymore. Something had to give; something had to change.

Shaking my head slightly, I looked back down at my bowl to discover it was empty. I decided to leave any further contemplation til later, and I took my dirty bowl to the sink. On my way back to the bedroom to get dressed, I passed my gaze over the photos on the wall, pausing on the last one.

It was the same photo I'd looked at last night: my mum and me at the dog café, an adorable puppy in my lap. As I stared at the photo, my heart clenched. Carefully lifting the frame off its hook, I went to sit back down.

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