~ Chapter 6 ~

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I frowned as I surveyed the café's interior for the hundredth time that morning. Felix hadn't shown up yet, and it was already nearly lunchtime. It shouldn't be bothering me - the freckled boy was merely a friend, I reminded myself; we'd only met a week ago.

But it did bother me. A lot. Felix was such a vulnerable, sensitive person, and I hated the thought of anything happening to him. Ever since I'd seen Felix crying on that first day, I'd felt an urge to protect the blonde-haired boy, and I could feel my heart crack a little bit each time he was sad.

My heart was aching right now, because I hadn't seen him for the past two days. I didn't work at the dog café on the weekend, so I hadn't seen Felix at all since we'd gone our separate ways on Friday afternoon.

I wondered what he'd been doing in that time. I knew he lived on his own, so maybe cleaning, clothes washing and food shopping? Or perhaps he was a gamer, and had taken that opportunity to play a game for hours?

I briefly wondered what his favourite game was -- was he a Genshin enthusiast, or was he more inclined towards something simpler? I smiled as I imagined the cute, freckled boy happily playing Animal Crossing. That suited his personality perfectly, I thought.

But my smile disappeared again as I wondered why he wasn't here, now. He had come to the café every day last week, enthusiastically playing with Pepi and (in my opinion) talking to me. I had almost expected him to be waiting at the door when I arrived to open up this morning.

He hadn't been, though. And now, with every passing minute, I got more and more worried. What if Felix was all alone in his apartment when he needed help? I'd given the freckled boy my phone number, but I didn't have his, so I had no way of contacting him.

I sighed in frustration as I realised I actually knew very little about my new friend. I didn't know where he lived, or how old he was, or who his other friends were... All I knew was that his mum had died recently, and he really liked dogs. Oh, and he was very cute.

A smile lit up my face momentarily; but it slipped when the front door opened and someone who definitely wasn't Felix walked in. I watched the customer dejectedly as they made their way to the counter, stopping to pat a couple of dogs on the way. I yanked my mouth into a smile just as the person looked up, and did my best to be polite, even though my mind was a hundred miles away, and my eyes kept glancing at the door.

Once I'd taken their order and they'd gone to play with the dogs some more, I let my fake smile disappear. Where is he? I thought worriedly. What if he's really sick? What if he's had an accident and he's lying somewhere unconscious?? What if-

My rapidly worsening thoughts were abruptly cut off when my phone dinged. I got it out of my pocket and saw I had a message from an unknown number. Unlocking my phone, I clicked on the message with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

Unknown number
Hey Wooyoung! Just wanted to let you know that I'll be coming to the café this afternoon, cos I'm not feeling up to it this morning. 😔

My brow furrowed in worry. Was Felix sick? Just as my thoughts started spiralling again, another message popped up.

Unknown number
BUT DON'T WORRY! I'm fine, just tired, cos I've done a lot recently, and I'm not used to it. 😴

Aww, I thought. He's the cutest!

I was just about to save Felix's number in my contacts when a third message came through.

Unknown number
This is Felix, btw. In case you were wondering. 😄

Chuckling to myself, I saved the new number as "Cutie Freckled Boy". I sent him a quick reply, then got back to work, an excited smile on my face.

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