~ Chapter 5 ~

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A short while later, I was walking through the door of the dog café, the little bell tingling sweetly as I passed.

Just like last time, a little dog came hurtling towards me, sliding the last couple of metres as it tried – and failed – to stop. Grinning widely, I scooped the dog up into my arms and buried my face in its fur. After a minute, I pulled away and stared at the dog’s adorable face.

“Hi, Pepi!” I said, wondering as I did so if I’d get any response. No more than a second later, though, I found myself being licked to death, and I couldn’t stop the laughter that burst out of my mouth.

“Well, you guys seem to be having fun!” an amused voice sounded next to my ear.

I turned my head and saw Wooyoung standing quite close, his hand gently caressing Pepi’s head. For a split second, I imagined that hand caressing my head; but I quickly pushed that thought aside and stepped back a pace, my cheeks flushing.

The waiter chuckled, his eyes crinkling as he gazed at me.

“Hi,” he said. “Welcome back!”

“H-hi,” I stammered, smiling shyly.

“Wow – Pepi seems to really adore you! I hope you don’t mind giving her lots of attention while you’re here!”

“Of course not,” I replied, beginning to relax.

Wooyoung then wandered off to tend to other customers, and I went to sit down at a free table. A few minutes later, Wooyoung re-appeared, a notepad and pen in his hand.

“What would you like to order, sir?” he asked with a bow and a cheeky smile.

I was taken aback for a moment, but then returned the smile and pretended to think for a few seconds.

“Hmm, I think I’d like-“

“Wait, wait, wait,” Wooyoung suddenly interrupted, waving his arms around. “Let me guess...”

And with that, he put his hands up in the air in the shape of a picture frame, peered through the gap and tilted his head to the side in thought.

After a few moments, he straightened up and exclaimed, “Aha! I know exactly what you want! You, sir, would like a mug of hot chocolate, with whipped cream on the top.”

Just as I opened my mouth to reply, he suddenly added, “With extra marshmallows!”

I couldn’t help it – laughter bubbled up from inside me and spilled out of my mouth. I looked at Wooyoung and saw that he was laughing too, his eyes crinkling adorably.

Once I’d calmed down, I grinned at him and said, “That’s exactly right – however did you know?”

Wooyoung gazed into my eyes with a soft smile. “That’s easy – a sweet drink for a sweet guy, of course!”

Suddenly, he flashed a hypnotic smile and winked at me. And just like that, I transformed into a blushing, stammering mess, burying my face in Pepi’s fur to hide my flaming cheeks.

When I finally braved the world again, I discovered that Wooyoung was on the other side of the café, making a drink. He looked up at that moment, and, seeing me staring, he sent me another flirty wink. My heart started beating out of my chest, but this time I didn’t hide my face. I looked right back at him and tried to act cool.

A minute later, he was standing by my side again, sliding a mug across the table to me. I could already see the mound of whipped cream poking out of the mug, and two pink marshmallows balanced perfectly on top.

“Thanks,” I murmured shyly, Wooyoung’s presence causing the butterflies in my stomach to take flight once more. I took a sip of the hot chocolate, and the pleasure was so overwhelming that I closed my eyes and tipped my head back briefly.

Woo Me, Wooyoung ~ WooLixDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora