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In a hidden underground layer, Caleb and his sinister followers lurked. Caleb, seated in his chamber, meticulously sharpened his sword.

Suddenly, a follower burst in, nearly stumbling over his own feet. He urgently knocked on Caleb's door.

"Master, master, it's urgent, it's..." Caleb, in a commanding yet composed tone, interrupted, "What is it?" The follower trembled and replied,

"It's your brother, master." Instantly, Caleb sprang to his feet and flung open the door. "What happened?" Caleb exclaimed in shock.

Fearfully, the follower responded, "Your brother was caught in the explosion in the A02 area." Caleb's mind reeled, and he demanded, "Lead the way, now!" The follower, trembling with fear, guided Caleb to the surveillance chamber. Inside, 19 others were present, drinking water, typing on computers, and communicating through walkie-talkies, executing their nefarious plans.

The tension in the room was palpable.

"Show him the footage of the explosion," a member said, and the screen displayed the chilling scene.

"They were searching for survivors when they
encountered a large group, including children and elders," another member explained as the footage played.

"In the midst of a gunfight with six armed men, a massive explosion erupted, leaving the area in critical condition." Caleb, his anger concealed beneath a calm exterior, demanded, "Any survivors?" The response was disheartening:

"No, master. The explosion was so devastating, we found no bodies."

Frustrated, Caleb slammed his hand on the table and stormed out, leaving the room in a state of fear. Determined, he confided in his trusted companion, Sanchez, and commanded,

"Get me answers. I need to know who was responsible for this, how they obtained such a bomb. Find the truth, Sanchez."

With a solemn nod, Sanchez pledged, "Yes, master. I will uncover the answers you seek."

On the flip side, Jason caught wind of what went down and found it amusing, given his deep-seated hatred for Caleb due to the loss he suffered in his own family. Although Jason didn't possess the same strength as Caleb with an army at his command, he preferred to stay hidden with his small group, observing from the shadows.

When one of his followers asked,

"What's our next move?"

Jason's smile grew as he calmly replied, "We'll uncover the ones responsible for taking Caleb's brother's life. And once we find them, we'll express our gratitude and see if we can forge an alliance with them." With those words, Jason burst into a hearty laughter, echoing through the air.

In the middle of the forest, beside the rushing river, Kate kicked and screamed, desperate to escape the hovercraft's trunk. Alex kept a watchful eye, ensuring their safety, while James tried to catch fish in the water. Romeo struggled to start a fire, growing frustrated with Kate's screams. He opened the trunk, causing Kate to raise her hands in defense.

However, Romeo simply returned to the fire, paying her no mind, while Alex continued scanning the area. In the water, still trying to catch a fish, James shook his head and continued with his own fishing.

Kate shouted at Romeo, demanding to be left alone. Romeo stood up, facing her, and urged her to put the log down, warning her that she might hurt herself. Kate refused, declaring that she wouldn't be his hostage.

Romeo calmly responded, telling her that she was free to leave, but reminding her that they were in the middle of nowhere and it would be difficult to survive the night alone. He then turned back to the fire, resuming his efforts. As Kate hesitated, unsure of her next move, she mustered up all her courage and released the log. Romeo grinned, shaking his head in disbelief.

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