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As they arrived at area 309, the doom lands, they skillfully landed the hovercraft.

Alex was pulled out and dragged along the ground, while Romeo confidently took the lead, following his navigator. James followed closely, dragging Alex behind him, and Kate cautiously walked behind them, keeping a watchful eye with a machine gun.

As they ventured deeper into the doom lands, the air grew thick with an ominous haze, and the environment seemed to mirror their grim mission.

The sky above was an ashen gray, casting a gloomy pallor over the desolate landscape. The ground beneath their feet was cracked and barren, devoid of any signs of life. A chilling wind whispered through the ruins, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

The team pressed on, their hearts pounding with a mix of determination and trepidation, knowing that danger lurked around every corner. The badlands seemed to have a malevolent energy, as if the very environment itself was conspiring against their success. But they wouldn't let it break their spirit.

"James," Kate exclaimed, causing the whole team to freeze in their tracks.

They turned their attention to Kate, who pointed out the ominous figures trailing behind them. A mix of old robots and agile humans leaped from rooftop to rooftop, closing in on their position.

"We're being followed," Kate warned.

Without hesitation, James took charge, urging everyone to move quickly. Despite the struggle of dragging Alex, Romeo chimed in, confirming that they were almost there, just around the corner. Determined, he joined James in helping with Alex while Kate swiftly aimed her weapon, ready to defend them. As they turned the corner, the team came face to face with a group of ruthless individuals, their eyes filled with malice and weapons glinting in the dim light.

The leader, a towering figure with a menacing grin, stepped forward.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered. "Looks like we've got ourselves some fresh meat, boys and girls."

The tension in the air was palpable as the team braced themselves for a confrontation. James, with unwavering determination, locked eyes with the leader and declared,

"We mean no harm, we come in peace. We just need something's and we will be on our way."

With Kate's gun aimed at the leader's head, ready to unleash her fury, the leader spat in front of them, taunting their presence.

"And what is it you desire in these lands?" he sneered.

James, signaling to Kate, urged her to lower her weapon.

He then spoke with conviction, "We need to recharge our cyborg."

The leader, scanning the group, chuckled and spat once more, questioning, "And what do you have to offer us in return?" Stepping forward, James boldly declared,

"A future."

Laughter erupted among the group, and one of them scoffed, "You fool, there's no future." Romeo interjected confidently, "But there is. If you could just let us recharge this cyborg, you'll witness the immense power it possesses to save us all." The leader paused, contemplating his next move, when Kate chimed in, "Indeed, you own these lands. What is it you have to lose?" The leader hesitated once more, then spoke,

"Why not?

Let them through, lads." He stepped aside with a smile. James expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you." The leader then instructed, "Give him a hand taking this cyborg inside," and two robots immediately stepped forward, lifting Alex into the air. The leader chuckled, "If this cyborg isn't our future," gesturing towards Kate, "we'll all have a chance with her."

The group erupted in cheers and laughter as the robots carried Alex inside, with James, Romeo, and Kate following closely behind. "We'll be outside waiting," the leader shouted as Kate walked past.

The tension lingered, but James reassured Kate, "It's going to be alright, Kate. I promise."

Inside, they cleared the table and placed Alex on it, connecting wires to him for charging. The two robots stood guard, watching as they all anxiously waited for Alex to fully charge. Outside, the laughter of the others made Kate feel even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the leader entered with a bottle of alcohol, declaring, "I'll give you all just 35 minutes to charge that junk."

He spat and continued,

"35 minutes, that's all." In a serious tone, he warned, pointing at James and Romeo, "If that cyborg can't perform a miracle when those 35 minutes are up, you two will be dead." Then, he pointed at Kate and said with a sinister smile, "And you... we all have something in store for you." Laughing, he made his way back outside.

"In truth, 35 minutes was all we need." Romeo said to Kate and James.

On the other side Jason sat down still questioning the appalling he captured, he leans in closer, his eyes filled with determination and a hint of danger.

"Tell me, where do you appallings hide?" he demanded, his voice laced with a chilling intensity.

The appalling hesitated, fear etched across his face. "I can't... I can't tell you," he stammered. Jason's gaze hardened, his words dripping with a menacing promise.

"We both know what will happen if you don't give me what I want. Speak, or face the consequences."

The appalling, trembling, finally relented,

"Our hideout is at sector 12, below the bridge."

Jason then dragged the chair closer to the appalling a few inch away from him and whispered asking

"And how would I get inside this, hideout without getting caught?" "You can't get in, the place is surrounded at every corner, it may appear empty, but it's well secured and under constant watch."

Jason then whispered in the appalling ear's asking "you wouldn't lie to me now, would you?"

The appalling's voice quivered with a mix of anger and calmness as he retorted, "I wouldn't dare lie to you, Jason." Jason leaned back in his chair, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"You know, my dear appalling, honesty can be a rare commodity in our line of work," he said, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and menace.

The appalling's eyes widened, realizing the danger of his situation. "I assure you, Jason, I speak the truth. The hideout is impenetrable, guarded from every angle," he pleaded, his voice filled with fear. Jason's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he contemplated his next move, he then smiled getting up "I know, no one lies to me. Let's get moving boys."

And so they followed behind Jason leaving one man behind, the appalling realize the other man wasn't leaving looking dead in his eyes.

"What will happen to me?"

Shout the appalling on the ground asking. The appalling's desperate plea for mercy echoed through the eerie silence, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. Jason, with a wicked grin on his face, slowly turned to face the pitiful figure on the ground. His eyes gleamed with a sinister delight as he posed a chilling question,

"What do people truly value the most in this twisted game of life?"

The appalling, his voice barely a whisper, confessed his ignorance and pleaded for mercy, offering his loyalty and service. "Please Jason, i beg of you, let me live, let me follow under your command." But Jason, the embodiment of darkness, scoffed at the notion.

"Why would I forge an alliance with a treacherous soul like yours? A man who would sell out his whole allies for his own life" he hissed, relishing in the appalling's terror.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jason raised his hand, giving a silent signal to his soldier who stood over the appalling on the ground. The sound of a shotgun blast shattered the air, the appalling's head exploding like a ripe melon, crimson blood staining the ground. As Jason and his entourage moved on, the chilling echoes of their footsteps mingled with the haunting silence, leaving behind a scene of horror and despair.

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