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"The Ragnarok connection has awakened, my loyal subordinates! Prepare to witness the relentless fury that shall consume this feeble earth, reducing it to naught but a desolate wasteland. None shall escape my wrath, the embodiment of unyielding darkness, and my malevolent counterpart, Loki Shadowbane. Our chilling presence shall cast a perpetual shroud of terror upon every corner of this world, freezing the hearts of those who dare to stand against us. The gods themselves shall tremble as we unravel the fabric of their existence, tearing apart the very foundation upon which their power rests. No sanctuary shall be left untouched, no soul spared from our icy grip. We shall revel in the chaos and destruction, relishing in the screams of anguish echoing through the night. This is not a mere battle; it is the dawn of an eternal nightmare, a symphony of malevolence that will echo through the ages. Brace yourselves, for the end is nigh, and there is no escape from the clutches of our cold-hearted terror!"

On earth...

Caleb, consumed by anger, strides through the eerily silent underground passage, his steps echoing ominously.

On the other side, his loyal followers stand poised, weapons gleaming, awaiting his arrival. Caleb, his eyes ablaze with a seething rage, strides forward to face his loyal followers.

The shadows dance around him, amplifying the intensity of his voice as he bellows,

"Behold, my brethren! The time for mercy has passed. We shall become the harbingers of darkness, striking fear into the hearts of all who dare cross our path. Let the blood-soaked streets bear witness to our vengeance! Jason, the architect of our torment, shall face the full force of our wrath!"

The crowd's cheers reverberate through the chamber, their eyes gleaming with a twisted fervor.

"Go now, my fellow warriors,"

Caleb's voice resonates with a commanding authority.

The air crackles with anticipation as his followers, fueled by vengeance, prepare to unleash havoc upon the world. With weapons in hand and hearts ablaze, they march forward, ready to carry out their dark mission. The echoes of their footsteps blend with the whispers of chaos, creating a symphony of impending doom.

May their path be relentless and their victory absolute.

Caleb's fury intensifies as he whirls around to face his trusted subordinate.

"What did you find out?" he demands, his voice dripping with anger.

The subordinate's words pierce through the tension, revealing a shocking truth.

"Jason wasn't the one who killed your brother, master," he states.

Caleb's eyes widen in disbelief. "What?" he exclaims, his anger shifting to confusion.

The subordinate maintains a calm tone as he continues, "In truth, it was some nobodies. A group of three - a female, two males, and a cyborg."

The revelation sends a chill down Caleb's spine, as he realizes the depth of the deception that has consumed his quest for vengeance.

"Find them, Sanchez, bring them back to me, alive," Caleb's voice echoed with an ominous intensity.

Damien's eyes narrowed, a glint of darkness flickering within. "Consider it done, master," he replied, his voice laced with a chilling determination.

"He's rebooting in 5, 4, 3, 2," James declared,
anticipation filling the air.

Just as he reached "1," Alex's eyes flickered open, a surge of life coursing through him. James, Kate, and Romeo beamed with joy, relieved to have their friend back.

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