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With bullets whizzing past them, James urged Romeo to push the hovercraft to its limits. The adrenaline surged through their veins as they dodged the relentless barrage of gunfire. The three hovercrafts, brimming with Caleb's followers, were closing in fast. The stakes were high, but they wouldn't go down without a fight.

Their hearts pounding, they held on tight, determined to outmaneuver their pursuers and escape the clutches of danger. As the hovercraft plummeted, bullets rained down on them, with Caleb's followers closing in. The crash sent shockwaves through the building, and the appallings wasted no time, rushing out with guns blazing.

Their leader commanded them to shoot anything that emerged from the wreckage. With 12 appallings surrounding them, Alex's adrenaline surged. In a swift move, he struck the door, slamming one appalling into the wall. Whisk in hand, he ripped through another, piercing his heart. The remaining appallings fired relentlessly, but Alex cleverly used his fallen enemy as a shield, deflecting the bullets. Pushing forward, he grabbed the foot of the next appalling and smashed him into the wall, reducing him to pieces. With terror in their eyes, the remaining appallings scrambled to reload their weapons. Alex swiftly whisked through another, then seized a knife from an appalling's, slitting his throat. Eight appallings remained as James, Romeo, and Kate emerged from the crashed hovercraft. While Alex continued his fierce battle, he encountered an appalling who blocked his attack with a gun. Undeterred, Alex seized the gun, but the others finished reloading and unleashed a barrage of bullets.

To his astonishment, Alex discovered the bullets bouncing harmlessly off his body.
Lowering his hands, he realized his newfound invulnerability.

"Kill them all," James shouted, consumed by anger and hatred for the appallings.

With a swift motion, Alex whisked through two appallings, his hands piercing their chests as blood cascaded down. James, Romeo, and Kate were in awe of Alex's immense strength and battle prowess. Undeterred, the remaining six appallings unleashed a barrage of bullets at Alex. In a daring move, he hurled the two appallings he held into the air, causing them to crash through the building, taking out two more appallings in the process.

As Alex bravely approached the four remaining appallings, they unleashed a hail of bullets. But James, quick on his feet, managed to grab a fallen appalling's gun and landed a headshot on one of them. However, the gun jammed. Undeterred, Alex swiftly whisked through the three remaining appallings, kicking the one in the middle through the building. With incredible strength, Alex grabbed the heads of the other two appallings and smashed them together, causing their helmets and skulls to burst open, with brain matter and blood splattering everywhere as they collapsed to the ground.

In a sudden, heart-stopping moment, Alex collapsed to the ground, his body trembling. James, Kate, and Romeo sprinted towards him, their hearts pounding with worry.

"What's happening?" James demanded, his voice filled with urgency.

Romeo frantically checked his tablet and exclaimed, "He's running on fumes! Only 3% energy left!"

As the smoke billowed from Alex's back, James swiftly commanded everyone to move back. With urgency, James turned Alex over and opened him up, "He's overheating, shut him down," James instructed, and Romeo promptly powered Alex off.

Working together, they carefully lifted Alex and made their way towards the hovercraft. Kate quickly started the engine and opened the back door, allowing James and Romeo to place Alex inside. Once they were all aboard, Romeo took the driver's seat. "Don't worry, Alex," James reassured him. "Head to area 309," James directed Romeo. Concerned, Romeo questioned the decision, aware of the dangers that awaited them in that area. "It's our only chance to find an energy charger and help Alex," James affirmed.

Without hesitation, Romeo accelerated the hovercraft, speeding towards the treacherous doom lands of area 309.

In a tense standoff, Jason and his elite soldiers silently aimed their weapons at Caleb's followers, unbeknownst to them.

As the followers searched the building, unaware of the danger, one of them declared,

"There's nothing here, let's get moving to the next building."

Jason singled out the one who spoke and calmly instructed his soldiers,

"Take out all of them except that one."

Without hesitation, they unleashed a torrent of gunfire, eliminating 13 of Caleb's followers. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they swiftly surrounded the last remaining follower, demanding,

"Drop the gun and get down on your knees, now!"

He hesitated.

Jason then emerged from the shadows, he swiftly fired his pistol into the air, catching the attention of the remaining follower. Startled, the follower's eyes widened as he recognized Jason's commanding presence.

With a nod, the follower reluctantly lowered his weapon, submitting to Jason's authority. A triumphant smile then spread across Jason's face. Jason's calm demeanor didn't waver as he demanded,

"On your knees."

The appalling obeyed, spitting in defiance. With an evil smile, Jason approached, stating, "This won't be long... that i can assure you" Bending down, he warned, "Just don't lie. It's as simple as that."

The appalling shouted,

"Damn you and your questions!" and spat in Jason's face.

Jason's soldiers aimed their weapons, but he raised his hands, signaling them not to fire. Standing up, he wiped off the spit with a cold stare.

"Forgive me, for this, this will surely hurt," he said, his calmness unwavering. "Hold him down and stretch out his arms," he commanded his followers, who swiftly obeyed as the appalling struggled to break free.

Jason moved closer to the appalling, gripping his wrist tightly, and with a chilling determination, he bent it, breaking it with a bone-crushing force. The appalling's screams of agony filled the air, adding to the chilling atmosphere.

With a firm grip on the appalling's other arm, Jason's commanding voice pierced the air,

"You will answer my questions you pig!"

The appalling, writhing in pain, screamed in surrender, "Ok, ok!" A chilling smile crept across Jason's face as he turned to his soldiers, instructing them,

"Release him."

The soldiers obeyed, and the appalling, clutching his broken wrist in agony, was left to suffer the consequences.

"Who was responsible for the explosion in the warehouse where Caleb's brother was killed?" Jason demanded, his voice dripping with an undercurrent of fury.

The appalling, seething with pain and anger, spat back, "We don't know, we all thought it was you." A sinister smile played on Jason's lips as he coldly uttered,

"How unfortunate. I yearned to be the one to pull the pin of that explosion."

The appalling, still reeling from the pain, pressed,

"It wasn't you? Then who?"

Suddenly, a thunderous *Boom* reverberated through the building, shaking their very souls.

Jason, turning his back on the appalling, gazed out into the chaos and whispered,

"It would seem the Ragnarok connection has begun."

As the sky stretched before them, James, Kate, and Romeo raced towards the treacherous Area 309, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Suddenly, the explosion rocked the surroundings, causing James to gaze out the window in horror. With a trembling voice, he whispered,

"The Ragnarok connection has begun."

Meanwhile, deep within his chambers, Caleb mourned the loss of his brother when the impact of the explosion reached him. Rising to his feet, he received a message from his follower, who entered with a mix of shock and fear.

"Master," the follower whispered, "It has begun. The Ragnarok connection has begun."

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