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It's been two days since Jason joined force with Romeo and James. As the sun rose in the doom lands, Jason, filled with fear, sat on the rooftop of an old building. He then started to sing a song, his trembling voice echoed through the doom lands.

"In the shadows, darkness creeps,
Fear consumes, as the world weeps.
In this desolation, hope is lost,
A haunting melody, the price it cost.

Eyes wide open, heart racing fast,
The end is near, this moment won't last.
But in the midst of chaos and despair,
I'll sing my song, a defiant prayer.

Through the fear and the impending strife,
I'll find the strength to face this life.
Though darkness looms, I won't give in,
For in my song, a glimmer of hope begins."

Suddenly, gunshots echoed through the doom lands and the shouts grew louder, vehicles filled the air with their incessant beeping.

From his vantage point on the rooftop, Jason witnessed the chaos unfolding before him. Romeo and James, commanding their followers, orchestrated the mayhem below.

In the midst of the uproar, an eerie silence enveloped Jason, the calm before the storm. His gaze shifted upwards as a single raindrop landed on his head, foretelling the impending tempest.

The clouds above darkened, heavy with the weight of the impending downpour.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the silence, a follower urgently warning Jason of Caleb's imminent arrival. "You must get to safety, sir," he shouted.

Jason's face lit up with a mischievous grin as he watched Caleb, his arch-nemesis, approach him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement bubbling inside him.

Jason swiftly descended from the rooftop, his heart pounding with adrenaline. Inside the house, James, Romeo, and the others stood ready, surrounded by a formidable group of nine loyal men. James's voice crackled through the walkie-talkie, his words filled with determination as he rallied his troops. Outside, armed and poised, soldiers and snipers took their positions, awaiting the crucial signal to unleash their firepower. The tension hung heavy in the air as Caleb's men, armed to the teeth, inched closer in their hovercraft and armed trucks. Jason's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Caleb's presence, but none could be found. James turned to Alex, his voice firm yet commanding, "Alex, go out from behind, if you spot Caleb... bring his head to us." Alex's response was swift and obedient, pledging his loyalty to James. "No." Stated Jason then quickly added "I want him alive. I will be the one who kill that fool, bring him to us, alive." Immediately Alex faced Jason, "Do as he says Alex." Said James to Alex. Alex then quickly headed out.

On the speaker of one of Caleb armed trucks outside, Caleb began to sing.

"In the shadows, darkness reigns,
A haunting presence that never wanes.
Whispers echo, chilling the air,
A terrifying presence, beyond compare.

Beware the night, where nightmares dwell,
A spine-tingling tale, I must foretell.
Ghosts and ghouls, their eerie cries,
Sending shivers, up and down your spine.

The moon hides behind a clouded veil,
As fear and terror begin to prevail.
Creaking floorboards, a haunting sound,
The unknown lurks, all around.

In the depths of darkness, horrors reside,
A bone-chilling presence, you cannot hide.
Grim specters dance, with wicked delight,
Leaving you trembling, in the dead of night.

So beware, my friend, of what lies unseen,
For in the shadows, fear reigns supreme.
A spooky realm, where nightmares unfurl,
Embrace the terror, in this ghostly world."

Caleb then came to a pause, then continued

"Oh brother. It's me, your big, brother Caleb."

The atmosphere grows heavy as Caleb's voice cuts through the silence. All eyes fixate on Jason, awaiting an explanation.

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