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With an intimidating presence, Jason emerges from the truck, flanked by 13 armed men and reinforced by three more trucks filled with soldiers.

The tension reaches its peak as nine members of the area stand before him, weapons at the ready.

In a cautious tone, Jason declares, "Greetings, I assure you, no harm is intended. I come in peace, seeking only to ask a few questions." One of the members of the area spat in front of Jason and stepped forward, challenging him, "And what may your questions be?" Undeterred, Jason took a step closer and explained, "You've heard about the explosion at the warehouse in Area 206, right? It wiped out a significant number of Caleb's followers." Another member, stepped forward and asked, "And what of it?"

Meanwhile, Romeo, james and Kate watched from the window, contemplating their next move.

Romeo suggested, "We should go out there." Worried, James replied, "Are you mad? We're no match for Jason." Romeo reassured him, "I don't intend to fight him, brother. We need allies, don't we not?"

Jason, his voice filled with suspicion, confronts the members, questioning if they were the ones responsible for the incident in area 209 where the explosion took place.

The members exchange nervous glances until Romeo confidently steps forward, declaring,

"It was I."

Jason, taken aback, asks Romeo, "You?"

"With the help of my brother and a close friend, yes, we pulled it off."

Jason, still skeptical, challenges Romeo, "How do I know you're not lying?" James then emerges from the door, confirming, "It's true. We pulled it off."

Jason, amused, breaks into applause, sarcastically remarking, "Splendid." He then poses a poignant question, "Was the death of those innocent people called for?"

Romeo defends their actions, saying, "We had no choice." Jason quickly retorts, "There's always another choice." James steps forward, dismissing the past, and asks,

"And what of the past? Did you come here to haunt us with the past or thank us?" He then adds, "Unless you are fighting alongside Caleb?"

"Caleb was the one who caused the death of what was left of my family," Jason said, his voice filled with sympathy. "Leaving my sister in a wheelchair, she'll never walk again." Jason's eyes burned with vengeance as he declared, "From that day, I swore I would take my revenge, running my hands through Caleb's chest and ripping out his heart."

The darkness within him grew, fueling his relentless pursuit of justice. The fire of vengeance burned within Jason's eyes, consuming his very soul. His heart pounded with the relentless pursuit of justice, fueled by the memories of his shattered family. With every step, he plotted Caleb's downfall, envisioning the day he would tear apart his enemy's world, leaving no room for mercy.

The battle between darkness and justice was about to ignite, engulfing them both in an inferno of retribution.

"So, does that answer your question?" Jason asked, his tone tinged with determination.

James stepped forward, feeling the weight of Jason's loss. "My condolences for your unimaginable pain," he offered.

"Don't be sorry," Jason replied, his voice laced with resolve. "What's done is done, and the past cannot be undone. But Caleb and his followers have only one future: death."

"In truth, the time has come," Romeo declared, sending a shiver down spines. Fear gripped the members of the area. "Indeed," Jason calmly responded, feeling the weight of the impending doom.

"The Ragnarok connection has begun, and death looms over us all. But before it claims us, I will unleash my wrath upon Caleb," Jason vowed, determined to seek vengeance.

"Well then," James said, his voice filled with determination. "We all have one enemy in common, a force that threatens everything we hold dear. Joining forces, we shall forge a plan that will strike fear into the hearts of our foes."

Jason's eyes gleamed with a fierce resolve as he moved towards James, their hands clasping in a firm handshake.

"These wars to come will test our strength and resilience, but together, we shall emerge victorious. Our unity will be our greatest weapon, and our unwavering determination will pave the path to triumph."

The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared to face the battles that awaited them.


In the vast expanse of space, Malachi, surrounded by his formidable army of warrior cyborgs, sat upon his throne.

The tension mounted as Loki, Malachi's brother, approached and knelt before him, speaking with a bone-chilling tone.

"The Ragnarok connection is fully activated, brother. The time has come."

Rising from his throne, Malachi responded, his voice resonating with calm yet terrifying authority.

"So it begins. We shall descend upon Earth. Rise, my loyal subordinates, for the time is now."

The cyborgs, united in their allegiance, stood before their king.

"All hail King Malachi!" shouted Loki, and the chorus of cyborgs joined in, their voices echoing through the spaceship.

"All hail King Malachi! All hail King Malachi!"

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